15) The ‘Fomento’ Minister (Francisco Álvarez-Cascos) (PP) greatly enjoyed laying down the first stones and did not have enough with the laying down of the first stone of the airport’s third runway , which took place in chaos October 10th, 2002.

Almost one year later, in September 3rd, 2003, the Minister visited El Prat airport in order to lay down the first stone of the new control tower News published in the press on this topic nd only three months later (in December 18th, 2003) he would come back again to lay down the first stone of the new south terminal News published in the press on this topic

A) First stone of the new control tower

B) First stone of the new south terminal

C) Images of the new south terminal building




The Minister attended the act together with the Territory Politics Minister of the Catalan Government (Felip Puig) (CiU).

The new control tower will be 63 m high in total (16 more meters than the current one), will duplicate the space available compared to the current one and will cost around 14,36 million euros.

The architect Bruce Fairbanks designed the tower.

Images of the new control tower under construction, its design and the finished tower.

Nueva torre de control del aeropuerto del Prat en construcciónDiseño de la nueva torre de control del aeropuerto del PratNueva torre de control del aeropuerto del Prat ACABADA

New control tower under construction

Nueva torre de control del aeropuerto de Barcelona en construcción

New control tower already finished

Nueva torre de control del aeropuerto de Barcelona acabada

An interesting piece of information is that the new control tower was meant to come into service at the beginning of 2005, shortly after the third runway came into operation, but mysteriously it did not. However, there were rumors going around the airport that the new control tower was sinking because the land on which it was built could not withstand its weight.

In March 2006, more than a year after the date it was supposed to come into service, the tower was not yet operational and new problems came up: the controller unions complained about the poor visibility of this new tower caused by the metal joints that supported the heavy windows. These joints were too thick and left some spots at the head and end of the runway without visibility. News published in the press on this topic

In order to solve this problem, AENA decided to build a new auxiliary control tower on the former grounds of the Reial Club de Golf del Prat. News published in the press on this topic Curiously enough, something similar happened when the current tower was built (for the 1992 Olympic Games) and the windows needed to be modified.

The controller unions' conclusion was that AENA does not learn from past mistakes.

Magdalena Álvarez (Ministra de Fomento) (PSOE)

On July 2006, the 'Fomento' Minister (Magdalena Álvarez) (PSOE) visited El Prat airport and asserted that the new control tower would come into service at the end of 2006. She ascribed the delay to the priority of the BY-PASS works News published in the press on this topic This was certainly an amazing statement, as the control tower was completely finished long before..

On February 3rd, 2007, the new control tower of El Prat airport finally came into service with a 2-year delay. News published in the press on this topic

Nota de prensa emitida por AENA anunciando la entrada en servicio de la nueva torre de control del aeropuerto del Prat (3 de febrero de 2007) - Press release - The new control tower comes into service (February 3rd, 2007)

Imagen exterior de la nueva torre de control del aeropuerto del Prat Imagen interior de la nueva torre de control del aeropuerto del Prat





During the laying down of the first stone of the new south terminal, the 'Fomento' Minister (Francisco Álvarez-Cascos) (PP) used the opportunity to detail the investment being done in El Prat airport within the ‘Pla Barcelona’, and stated that the works carried out since 1996 amounted to 513.6 million euros while the works being done at the moment amounted to 1,240.2 million euros.

There are works still pending to reach the total investment planned: 2,298 million euros

As a part of this investment, the new south terminal will cost about 602 million euros.

Imagen virtual de la nueva terminal sur del aeropuerto del Prat

La futura terminal sur del aeropuerto del Prat

HERE all the information about the new south terminal design.




January 2006
Two images of the works at the new south terminal seen from the El Prat runways
March 11th, 2006
Aerial image of the new south terminal with a high parking lot building
June 29th, 2006
Side image of the new south terminal of El Prat airport Photograph: www.flickr.com
October 6th, 2006
Side image of the new south terminal of El Prat airport Photograph: DavoR
December 24th, 2006
Inside image of the works at the new south terminal Photograph: El País
Obres a l'interior de la nova terminal sud de l'aeroport del Prat
February 20th, 2007
Two images of construction progress at the new south terminal of El Prat airport Photographs: El País
March 22nd, 2007
Two images of construction progress at the new south terminal of El Prat airport Photographs: La Vanguardia
April 2007
Panoramic image of the new south terminal –Gavà Mar is at the end, on the left Photograph: AENA
Panorámica de la nueva terminal sur del aeropuerto del Prat (Abril de 2007)
July 2007
Aerial image of the works at the new south terminal of El Prat airport Photograph: AENA
Fotografia aèria de les obres de la nova terminal de l'aeroport del Prat (Juliol 2007)
September 2007
Aerial images of the works at the new south terminal of El Prat airport Photographs: AENA
Fotografia aèria de les obres de la nova terminal de l'aeroport del Prat (Setembre 2007)
Fotografia de les obres de l'interior de la nova terminal de l'aeroport del Prat (Setembre 2007)
Fotografia exterior de la punta de l'espasa de la nova terminal de l'aeroport del Prat (Setembre 2007)
Fotografia exterior de la nova terminal de l'aeroport del Prat (Setembre 2007)
January 2008
Images of the works at the new south terminal of El Prat airport Photographs: AENA
Fotografía aérea de las obras de la nueva terminal del aeropuerto del Prat (Enero de 2008)
Fotografía de la fachada de los aparcamientos de la nueva terminal sur del aeropuerto del Prat (Enero de 2008)
Fotografía de los cierres de la fachada de la hoja de la espasa de la nueva terminal sur del aeropuerto del Prat (Enero de 2008)
Fotografía de los pre-fingers de la nueva terminal sur del aeropuerto del Prat (Enero de 2008)
April 2008
Images of the works at the new south terminal of El Prat airport Photographs: AENA
Fotografía aérea de las obras de la nueva terminal del aeropuerto del Prat (Abril 2008)
Fotografía de las obras del interior de la nueva terminal del aeropuerto del Prat (Abril 2008)
Fotografía de la zona de los parkings de la nueva terminal sur del aeropuerto del Prat (Abril 2008)
Panorámica de la nueva terminal sur del aeropuerto del Prat, Gavà Mar al fondo (Abril 2008)
August 2008
Instalación de los 43 fingers (ampliables a 50) de la nueva terminal sur del Prat Photographs: AENA
Instalación de los 43 fingers (ampliables a 50) de la nueva terminal sur del aeropuerto del Prat (Agosto de 2008)
Instalación de los 43 fingers (ampliables a 50) de la nueva terminal sur del aeropuerto del Prat (Agosto de 2008)
February 2009
Imágenes de las obras de la nueva terminal T1 del aeropuerto del Prat y de sus accesos Photographs: AENA
Fotografía aérea de las obras de la nueva terminal 1 del aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat (Febrero 2009)
Fotografía del interior del dique central de la nueva terminal T1 del aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat (Febrero 2009)
Fotografía de las cintas del interior del dique central de la nueva terminal T1 del aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat (Febrero 2009)
Fotografía del SKY CENTER del interior de la nueva terminal T1 del aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat (Febrero 2009)
Panorámica de la nueva carretera de acceso a la nueva terminal T1 del aeropuerto de Barcelona-El Prat (Febrero 2009)