GAVÀ MAR and the Barcelona Airport

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Gavà Mar, a neighbourhood belonging to the city of Gavà, is located near the Llobregat river delta, between Viladecans and Castelldefels beaches. For more than 35 years its inhabitants have lived next to the airport without many problems with this historical configuration:

Historical routes (Barcelona Airport)

Until 1997, then Gavà Mar grew considerably as new housing sites were developed in the area of Central Mar, News published in the press on this topic located just in the center of Gavà Mar, on a former campground site. During this time, the Barcelona Airport decided to change the air routes News published in the press on this topic and aircrafts began to fly over the neighbourhood causing substantial disturbances for the people living in the area.

Change of  routes in west configuration (Barcelona Airport)

This route change would force the residents association –from now on, we will refer to it as AVV Gavà Mar– to direct the neighbours’ complaints to the City Hall of Gavà. The main points of the inhabitants’ claim were the following :
  • The increase of flights over the neighbourhood
  • The noise (more than 100 db) caused by the old russian aircrafts (Tupolev) & Iberia Boeings 727
  • The banning of flights over Gavà Mar at night
  • The fear that airport growth in the future would worsen the situation

The neighbours took part in three demonstrations in which they blocked the access to the airport. AENA undertook to solve the problems by extending runway (02/20), so that aircrafts could take off directly over the sea. A wall was also built to avoid noise in El Prat (the city next to the airport) and the noisy russian airplanes were banned and would never fly over Gavà Mar again.

In 1998: a commission created to enforce the so called “Pla Delta” made up of the Ministerio de Fomento (the Spanish Ministry for Infraestructures and Transport), the Generalitat (the Autonomous Catalan Government), and the City Halls of Barcelona and El Prat– was debating where to place the 3rd runway (25L/07R) of the Barcelona Airport.

Las quejas de los vecinos de Gavà Mar llegaron al Congreso de los Diputados pero la respuesta del Gobierno estatal de la época (PP) fue que todo quedaría solucionado con la construcción de la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat.

- Question (February 18th, 1998) - Answer (March 18th, 1998)

Both City Halls proposed to place the new runway 1,035 m away from the main runway (07/25) News published in the press on this topic, parallel to the sea. However, the Generalitat proposed to place it at a distance of 1,190 m News published in the press on this topic, while the Ministry wanted to build it first at at 1,500 m News published in the press on this topic and finally at 1,350 m News published in the press on this topic.

The ecologist group DEPANA’s proposal News published in the press on this topic was to place it at 1,350 m away from the main runway but slightly inclined towards the sea in order to avoid flights over Gavà Mar; however, it was rejected. The Cambra de Comerç (an economic lobbyist group supporting the growth of the Catalan economy) proposed an airport extension towards the sea News published in the press on this topic and the creation of three new runways in order to take advantage of the port extension. However, it wasn’t taken into consideration either. AVV Gavà Mar’s proposal News published in the press on this topic to extend the airport toward the sea placing the 3rd runway in the land reclaimed from the sea was equally rejected.

Finally, the option chosen by the Commission was the one proposed by the Ministerio de Fomento which would place the new runway 1,350 m away from the main runway that runs parallel to the sea. In addition to this, it was also decided that the new runway would only be 2,800 m long to reduce the impact on two marine areas surrounding the airport (the lagoons of Remolar and Ricarda).

In 1999: AENA (the Spanish company that manages airports) drew up the Long Term Plan for the Airport ( el Plan Director del Aeropuerto de Barcelona)and the public administrations involved (including the local authorities of Gavà , helped by AVV Gavà Mar) presented their claims.

Before After
Imagen aérea del aeropuerto antes de la ampliación Plan Barcelona (Render de como quedará el aeropuerto del Prat)

In this plan, AENA proposed to enlarge the main runway toward Gavà Mar. AVV Gavà Mar strongly opposed this plan and suggested that the runway be extended toward the industrial area of Zona Franca, which would avoid even closer takeoffs and landings over the neighbourhood.

Studies were undertaken to justify the construction of the 3rd runway. Here is an example of one of those studies. However, their conclusions are poor and the people affected are described simply as a small cost-benefit problem.

- Cost-benefit study on the expansion of the airport

The neighbours of Gavà Mar protested in the airport on 3 consecutive Saturdays and finally reached a solution: AENA promised to lengthen the transverse runway so that the planes would be able to take off over the sea News published in the press on this topic and to build an antisound screen to avoid disturbances in El Prat. The noisy russian airplanes no longer would fly over Gavà Mar News published in the press on this topic

Cartel alertando del peligro de la tercera pista prevista en el plan director Cartel convocando la manifestación del 15 de mayo de 1999 Cartel convocando las manifestaciones del 22 y 29 de mayo de 1999

November, 2000: The Ministry for Environmental Affairs finished the Estudio de Impacto Ambiental (‘Environmental Impact Study’), the so called EIA, necessary to build the 3rd runway. Various public administrations and AVV Gavà Mar disputed the plan.

- 20010522 Allegations concerning the Environmental Impact Study

In 2001, noisy Iberia Boeing 727 were no longer allowed to operate in Barcelona Airport.

January, 2002: The Central Government in Madrid passed the DIA (‘Environmental Impact Declaration’), News published in the press on this topic which takes into account necessary environmental issues, in order to build the runway. Unfortunately, the study does not refer to some controversial topics leaving them aside to be discussed later. Some of these topics are: flight routes on preferential configuration, which is the use of runways for takeoffs and landings when weather conditions are permitting. Moreover, the study forced the creation of a Supervisory Comission for the construction of the new runway (CSAAB); however, the City Hall of Gavà was not invited to take part in it. This Supervisory Comission would decide noise limits, flight routes and preferential configuration of takeoffs and landings.

February, 2002: After various negotiations, the City Halls of Gavà and Castelldefels were allowed to take part in the Supervisory Comission (CSSAB). News published in the press on this topic

- BOE -Order PRE-229-2003 by which the CSAAB was created

At last, the main runway was enlarged towards Zona Franca and not towards Gavà Mar, like AVV Gavà Mar had proposed. News published in the press on this topic

On October 10th, 2002, the foundation stone of the third runway is laid amidst chaos, News published in the press on this topic a clear omen of all the problems this runway would cause in the future.

July 10th, 2003: The Supervisory Comission (CSAAB) approved the West configuration as preferential with only the vote of Castelldefels against it. Simultaneously, Gavà Mar kept growing and Central Mar was already well established; that is to say, the neighbourhood’s population grew considerably.

Noticia publicada en la publicación L'Eramprunyà (Abril de 2004) (Número 8)

AVV Gavà Mar informed neighbours on the topic and tried to contact political parties, administrative institutions and the media.

Asamblea de la AVV de Gavà Mar

The AVV Gavà Mar informs the neighbors and political parties about the sound prints by means of these two graphics:

Expected daytime sound prints when the third runway starts operating

Expected daytime sound prints when the third runway starts operating


Expected nighttime sound prints when the third runway starts operating

Expected nighttime sound prints when the third runway starts operating

The AVV Gavà Mar publicly presents their proposal to minimize the noise in Gavà Mar. Its objective is to minimize noise as much as possible.

Gavà Mar's residents association proposal (February 7th, 2004) - Gavà Mar's residents association proposal (February 7th, 2004)


However, this task turned out to be very difficult because of the lack of support from the City Hall of Gavà. Furthermore, the City Hall of Gavà, basing its information on AENA said that no hassle would be caused by the new runway, which, with hindsight we can say wasn’t true.

- The City Hall of Gavà reports (May, 2005)

- Brugués (May 19th, 2004)


In response to the false information published by the City Council of Gavà, the AVV Gavà Mar sends the following document to every neighbor of Gavà Mar:

AVV Gavà Mar's detailed answer - AVV Gavà Mar's detailed answer


With the growing threat of the opening of the 3rd runway, AVV Gavà Mar iniciated a series of protests against it deciding to assist all the municipal meetings of Gavà to pressure the City Hall (reminder: the City Hall hadn’t supported AVV Gavà Mar’s thesis). It also went on protest marches in Gavà Mar and Castelldefels. In addition, the new web site ( became an information source and a meeting point for the neighbours.

This task bears fruit and some political parties represented in the City Council of Gavà ('EUiA', 'ERC' and 'CiU') begin echoing the AVV Gavà Mar's proposal, while asking the City Council to do the same:

Support for the AVV Gavà Mar's proposal - Support for the AVV Gavà Mar's proposal (April 29th, 2004)

Support for the AVV Gavà Mar's proposal - Support for the AVV Gavà Mar's proposal (April 29th, 2004)

The proposal of AVV Gavà Mar was debated during the plenary session and about 20 residents of Gava Mar were caused deep indignation when the councilwoman of the Environment, Bruguers Jardí (PSC), who is also the representative of the City Councill of Gavà to the CSAAB (Supervisory Commission), defended the operation of the airport with INDEPENDENT RUNWAYS and affirmed that 65dB is the noise level that an electric toothbrush make, What a real shame!

Impresionantes declaraciones de Bruguers Jardí en el Pleno municipal de Gavà (29 abril 2004) - Plenary session of the City Council of Gavà (Bruguers Jardí) (April 29th, 2004)


September 30th, 2004, the 3rd runway started working and AENA took advantage of the situation to change flight routes, which meant that it was not only noise that caused disturbances but there was also a great risk of aircrafts crashing into the neighbourhood News published in the press on this topic

3rd runaway started working (september 30th, 2004)

Television report Television report Television report Television report
Inauguration of the third runway Gavà Mar's complaints
(video TV3) (video BTV) (video TV3) (video TV3)

On October 19th, 2004, a very important step was taken: AVV Gavà Mar reached an agreement with the Federation of Residents Associations of Castelldefels, the Federation of Residents Associations of Gavà, the Federation of Residents Associations of El Baix Llobregat, the Federation of Commerce of Castelldefels and the Directors’ Guild of Hotel and Catering business of Castelldefels to establish a unitary stance on the problem with the following joint proposal:

Joint proposal (October 19th, 2004)


Protest marches reached the City Hall meetings Protest marches reached the City Hall meetings and as a result, some meetings had to be cancelled (October 28th, 2004). News published in the press on this topic

Noticia publicada en el periódico L'ERAMPRUNYÀ sobre la protesta en el pleno municipal - News (Protest at City Hall)

Neighbours went on march again cutting access to the airport on Saturday, October 30th, 2004 News published in the press on this topic

November 9th, 2004: The Spanish Minister for Environmental Affairs, Cristina Narbona, publicly recognized that the 3rd runway didn’t comply with the DIA (‘Environmental Impact Study’). News published in the press on this topic
Narbona blames AENA Narbona recognizes the third runway's impact Narbona says that the third runway does not comply
November 9th, 2004 - Interview with Cristina Narbona (audio)

November 18th, 2004, Eventually, neighbours were banned from attending the City Hall meeting. News published in the press on this topic

Neighbours went on march again cutting access to the airport on Saturday, November 20th, 2004. News published in the press on this topic

Video emitido en el telediario de Antena 3 sobre la manifestación en el aeropuerto del 20 de noviembre de 2004 Video emitido en el Telenotícies de TV3 - La Fiscalía de Medio Ambiente investiga los ruidos de la tercera pista (20 de noviembre de 2004)
Manifestación (Video) (Antena 3) Fiscalía investiga 3a pista (Video) (TV3)
November 23rd, 2004, Finally, Gavà City Hall changed its opinion and reached the same solution AVV Gavà Mar had been sustaining for months. The Mayor of Castelldefels and the Mayor of Gavà came to an agreement on the basis of what AVV Gavà Mar had proposed. News published in the press on this topic Nevertheless Castelldefels also proposed to enlarge the 3rd runway towards Zona Franca removing marine areas surrounding the airport.

Antoni Padilla (Mayor of Castelldefels) and Dídac Pestaña (Mayor of Gavà)
- 20041123 Joint Declaration of the City Halls of Gavà and Castelldefels

- 20041123 City Halls Agreement- Padilla's declarations on Cat. Ràdio

- Castelldefels- December 2004 Bulletin (joint City Halls proposal)

On November 29th, both Mayors went forward with the proposition and handed it to CSAAB, yet no response was given and both City Halls sued AENA. News published in the press on this topic

November 2004: It was decided by the City Hall to build the new area of Llevant Mar near the 3rd runway.

Llevant Mar (in red)

Programació de Llevant Mar (PAUM de Gavà)


On December 2004 the Catalan Parliament passed a unanimous resolution asking the proper authorities to comply with the Environmental Impact Declaration by request of the 'PPC'. News published in the press on this topic As the situation remains the same , on December 4th, 2004, some neighbors spontaneously demonstrate in Castelldefels against the administration of Dídac Pestaña (Mayor of Gavà) News published in the press on this topic and cut access to the airport again on December 18th, 2004. News published in the press on this topic

- Interview with Dídac Pestaña (16/12/2004) (audio)

- Catalunya Informació (News Report on 18/12/2004) (audio)

During the last three months of the year 2004, Local Police measured the noise in the neighbourhood. The findings speak for themselves:

Policía Local de Gavà midiendo el ruido de los aviones en Gavà Mar (finales de 2004) (Foto: Policía Local de Gavà midiendo el ruido de los aviones en Gavà Mar (finales de 2004) (Foto:

Datos sonométricos obtenidos por la Policía Local de Gavà en Gavà Mar (finales del 2004)

Sound level data on Gavà Mar (2004)

Policía Local de Gavà midiendo el ruido de los aviones en Gavà Mar (finales de 2004) (Foto:

In January of 2005, the Committee for the Development of Air Lanes (CDRA) was created. It is made up of the Generalitat of Catalonia, the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, the City Council of Barcelona and AENA and its objective is to promote the development of new aerial links to the Barcelona airport.

February 5th, 2005: Catalan Environmental Affairs Department released the results News published in the press on this topic of their studies, carried out over 23 days, about the noise in the neighbourhood. The study determined that the noise level was higher than the legal limit allowed by the Spanish legislation. A group of neighbours also undertook their own studies about the noise level and the results were the same.

- Press Release (February 4th, 2005) - News (February 6th, 2005)
Nota de prensa del Ayuntamiento de Gavà sobre los estudios sonométricos realizados por el Departamento de Medio Ambiente en Gavà Mar (5 de febrero de 2005) - Press Release (February 5th, 2005)


February 7th, 8th and 9th, 2005: The Local Police undertook a new study about the noise level. The results continued to be astonishing.

Policía Local de Gavà midiendo el ruido de los aviones en Gavà Mar (febrero de 2005) (Foto: Datos sonométricos medidos por la Policía Local de Gavà en Gavà Mar (Febrero de 2005)- Sound level data on Gavà Mar
(february 2005)
Policía Local de Gavà midiendo el ruido de los aviones en Gavà Mar (febrero de 2005) (Foto:

February 9th, 2005: The Spanish Parliament forced AENA (thanks to 'ERC', a Catalan political party represented in the Parliament) to implement within 3 months antinoise measures that should have already been implemented, as outlined in the DIA. They forced AENA to come to an agreement with Local Councils over temporary flight routes. The Parliament also asked AENA to study those routes proposed by AVV Gavà Mar taking into account new noise limits that would be implemented in 2008, according to EU Regulations. Maximum noise permitted will be 55 db during the day and 45 db at night. News published in the press on this topic

- Resolution approved by the Congress of Representatives (February 9th, 2005)

During the month of February 2005, AVV Gavà Mar carried a CRIMINAL COMPLAINT to the Courts of Gavà interposed against the technicians of the Ministry of ‘Fomento’ and AENA that were responsible for putting the third runway into operation under flagrant violation of the law in force and with complete disregard for the Environmental Impact Declaration. The number 4 court of Gavà has already passed the complaint on to the Attorney General’s office. News published in the press on this topic

Neighbours went on another march on Saturday 12th, February 2005 News published in the press on this topic, but without cutting public access to the airport.

February 20th, 2005: the Defensor del Pueblo (an ombudsman nominated by the Spanish Parliament to defend the rights of citizens against government maladministration) showed his support for Gavà Mar’s complaints. News published in the press on this topic

February 23rd, 2005: AENA presented the City Hall of Gavà with their own studies about the noise level after a 4 month delay. The findings revealed that the noise pollution Gavà Mar endures is extremely high, News published in the press on this topic which now makes 3 studies with the same results.

That same day, AENA’s brand new control tower to monitor flight routes for the Mediterranean started operating in Gavà. Ironically, now the situation is even more peculiar: we ourselves produce the disturbances and danger from inside our own municipal terminal. News published in the press on this topic

Nota de premsa notificant la posada en marxa del nou Centre de Control de Trànsit Aeri a Gavà - Press Release - Gavà Center for Air Traffic Control


March 12th, 2005: New wind tolerance limits were applied News published in the press on this topic to reduce the number of landings over the neighbourhood, which AVV Gavà Mar had been demanding for a long time. However, AVV Gavà Mar emphasized News published in the press on this topic that “any single landing is illegal according to the many studies carried out. Consequently, none of the planes in Barcelona Airport should use the 3rd runway”.

- Press Release - reduction of east configuration (March 11th, 2005)

- Reduction of the EAST configuration's use (audio) (March 11th, 2005)

- Declarations of the vice president of Gavà Mar's residents association (March 12th, 2005)

Video emitido en el Telenotícies de TV3 sobre el anuncio por parte del Ministerio de Fomento de la reducciód del uso de la tercera pista (12 de marzo de 2005) - Video emitido en el Telenotícies de TV3 (March 12th, 2005)

March 14th, 2005: AENA used runway 02/20 again during part of the day and night. Calm came back to Gavà Mar. For the first time in 6 months, it was possible to sleep later than 7 am without being woke up by the sound of planes.

However, AVV Gavà Mar demanded long term solutions in writing and not only provisional. Consequently, on March 19th 2005, neighbours went on a protest march again with approximately 400 people taking part. Given that it was Holy Week, they simulated a procession in the airport terminal. News published in the press on this topic


March 21st, 2005: The Central Government asked for a revision of the noise levels of the main Spanish airports.

- BOE - Sound levels in airports


April, 2005: The Síndic de Greuges (Catalan Defensor del Pueblo)informed the neighbours of Gavà Mar that they were taking into consideration their complaints and that 3 courses of action were pending: one petitioned by Gavà City Hall and 2 by the local neighbours. They would present a resolution when the information requested from public administrations was available.

April 8th, 2005: First meeting, among the President of AENA, representatives of the Ministerio de Fomento, the mayors of Gavà and Castelldefels and representatives from the local neighbourhoods associations was held in Madrid. News published in the press on this topicAgreement was reached to create a new Technical Commission, News published in the press on this topic which would try to reach a consensus over the noise problem without setting established air routes.

April 19th, 2005: A Catalan TV Channel (Canal 33) aired a documentary in which children from Gavà Mar explained the many problems generated by the 3rd runway (the narrator made a mistake by saying 600 neighbours in Gavà Mar instead of the actual 6,000).

- Documentary "Disturbing Planes" (Canal 33) (video)


April 20th, 2005: G4, a Catalan lobbyist group (The Chamber of Commerce, The Economy Club, Fomento del Trabajo and the foundation RACC) asked authorities to use the third runway to its full potential. By chance, that day AENA stopped using runway 02/20, and the noise came back to Gavà Mar after barely one month of peace. News published in the press on this topic

Nota de premsa del grup de pressió G4 - Press Release (April 20th, 2005) G4 ask authorities to use the 3rd runaway to its full potential - News (April 21st, 2005)


April 29th, 2005: The Catalan Parliament presented a non legally binding proposition in which political parties showed their support for the resolution previously passed by the Spanish Parliament 3 months earlier. It pressed for the 3rd runway to be used in a southern direction (for takeoffs as well as for landings) in order to minimize the noise. It also would have to be previously agreed upon by the City Halls of Gavà and Castelldefels and the Catalan Autonomous Government. News published in the press on this topic

- Parliament of Catalonia's non legally binding Proposition

May 13th, 2005: AENA released to the media the announcement of its acoustic isolation gathering of housing affected by the Barcelona Plan.

- Bill for the accoustic isolation tender (May 13rd, 2005)

May 13th,2005. TSJM (Spanish High Court) minimally recognized the problem and forced AENA to not use the third runway for landing over Gavà Mar in an east configuration during:

- Nights
- Saturday afternoons
- Sunday mornings
- Sentence of the High Court (May 13rd, 2005)


While the Technical Commission continued working, AENA kept harping on the subject thus generating a growing tension in the neighbourhood. AENA themselves collected data to show the growing mistreatment of Gavà Mar’s citizens.

The new wind regulations, which came into effect on March 12th 2005, were supposed to reduce the use of the third runway in an eastern direction to only 7.5% of the time; however, actual events proved otherwise:

- The 3rd runway’s use over Gavà Mar at any time of the day is amazing. April (30% of the time), May (48.39% of the time), June (43.33%) and July (22.58%).

- The use of runway 02/20 plummets from 40% in April to 0% in June.

- The use of main runway (25R/07L) for take offs over Gavà Mar soars from 37% of the time in April to 90% in June.

- Due to problems in the airport the third runway was also used for takeoffs over Gavà Mar on June 10th and August 11th. Some of the planes were able to turn before flying over the neighbourhood proving that AVV Gavà Mar’s proposal could be done without any problems.

- On July 8th a new flight from Barcelona to Shanghai started operating every Friday night at 22:50. However in the first few weeks this flight was delayed at least one hour and flew over Gavà Mar during nigh time hours. It should be emphasized that a Boeing 747 flying over the neighbourhood at night makes an incredible amount of noise.

On May 28th, 2005, the Baix Llobregat 'ICV' Regional Assembly passed a resolution on the problems posed by the Barcelona airport, requesting that all necessary studies be carried out and demanding that the citizens' quality of life be given priority before other interests. This statement is crucial because it sets the stance of the El Prat City Council and the Catalan Ministry of the Environment -both ruled by 'ICV'-.

Baix Llobregat 'ICV' regional resolution (May 28th, 2005) - Baix Llobregat 'ICV' regional resolution (May 28th, 2005)


July 13th, 2005. The court of El Prat agreed to undertake the proceedings against AENA that had been transferred from Gavà’s courts. The complaint also included medical studies carried out by psychiatry experts.

- Definitive Criminal Charge interposada per l'AVV de Gavà Mar

- Admission of criminal charge (El Prat Court)

July 20th, 2005. ERC (Catalan left wing party) presented a non-legally binding proposition to the Spanish Parliament, which called for urgent action to minimize the acoustic impact on Gavà Mar during the transition period.
Negotiations among AENA, the Generalitat and the City Halls of Gavà and Castelldefels became tense when Castelldefels (sadly due to the mayor’s selfish attitude) backed out of the agreement previously signed in November 2004 with the City Hall of Gavà, thus slowing down the process for months.


July 28th, 2005. Finally the last meeting among AENA, the residents’ associations and the City Halls was held in Madrid News published in the press on this topic and based on the studies’ results it was decided:

- WEST CONFIGURATION: Takeoffs will use the 3rd runway (25L/07R) and will turn 60º towards the sea.
- EAST CONFIGURATION: Landings will use the main runway (25R/07L) instead of the third runway.

These proposals should be approved by the CSAAB in a meeting to be held in the beginning of October. If approved, a period of at least 9 months will be needed to complete the works in the airport allowing the proposal’s implementation:

Gavà Mar's residents association report - Gavà Mar's residents association reports

Acuerdo con AENA (Video emitido en las televisiones locales) (29 de Julio de 2005) - 20050729 Agreement with AENA (Video shooted on local TVs)

The City Hall of Castelldefels reports (July 2005) - The City Hall of Castelldefels reports (July 2005)


On October 27th, 2005 AENA's new TMA News published in the press on this topic -which was initially planned for the month of May 2005- begins operation. With the new TMA, AENA gains some operating capacity but, in exchange, the same disturbances continue for Gavà Mar and Castelldefels Beach while further extending them to all of Castelldefels, Les Botigues de Sitges and Begues causing motions and declarations within their City Councils.

Manifiesto del Ayuntamiento de Castelldefels (20 de noviembre de 2005) Acuerdo del Pleno del Ayuntamiento de Sitges (16 de noviembre de 2005) Acuerdo del Pleno del Ayuntamiento de Begues (25 de enero de 2006)


AENA'S new TMA (October 27th, 2005)

- AIP - Barcelona Airport (new TMA)


November 14th, 2005. After various setbacks the CSAAB finally approved the global proposition.


The members of the AVV Gavà Mar's committee have dinner together to celebrate this approval after such a long time of struggle. Víctor Barriales -the AVV Gavà Mar and City Council's technician part of the team that had the idea of the BY-PASS- invites us.

Celebrating this approval


On November 27th, 2005, the neighbors of Castelldefels take part in a demonstration at AENA's Air Control Center located in Gavà to complain about the AENA's new TMA.

November 29th, 2005. AENA confirmed its approval to begin construction of a BYPASS between the runways of the Barcelona airport. It would invest 11 million euros over a period of 9 months: News published in the press on this topic

- Press Release (By pass) (November 29th, 2005)

The City Hall of Gavà made known the advantages of the global proposition while emphasizing that the main objective is that the airport would not operate simultaneously with both runways in the future. The Mayor also expressed his intention to take part in all forums in which the airport’s future would be discussed.

- 200511 The City Hall of Gavà reports - page 1
- 200511 The City Hall of Gavà reports - page 2


The City Hall of El Prat recognized publicly that they will also benefit from the global proposition, which will entail 10db less media with respect to the current flight configurations.

- El Prat - (December 2005) Municipal Magazine


In the beginning of December 2005, a report carried out by the 'Mossos d'Esquadra' (the autonomous Catalan police) by order of the 'Fiscalia de Medi Ambient' (District Attorney for Environmental Affairs) was made known. The conclusions are persuasive: It demonstrates that AENA is responsible for a crime against the environment and its natural resources, as outlined in article 325 of the penal code, with a presumed violation of the following rights: the right to enjoy an adequate environment for the development of the people, the right to the protection of health, the right to intimacy and the right to well being and to quality life for the citizens of Gavà Mar

Conclusions from Mossos d'Esquadra for District Attorney for Environmental Affairs - Conclusions


Joaquim Balsera (Major of Gavà) and Pasqual Maragall (President of the Generalitat)

On December 16th 2005. The President of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Pasqual Maragall, visited Gavà and Castelldefels and promised to minimize the disturbances caused by the airport. News published in the press on this topic During his visit he criticized AENA for its insensitive conduct.

- Pasqual Maragall's Declarations (December 16th, 2005) (audio)


On January 29th, 2006, the neighbors of Castelldefels demonstrate for the second time at the airport of El Prat.News published in the press on this topic

On February 5th, 2006, the AVV Gavà Mar meets those affected by the Barajas expansion in the North of Madrid at the Barcelona airport in order to exchange experiences and face the future together. News published in the press on this topic

On February 15th, 2006, AENA issues a press release in which it informs of the appointment of a new director for the Barcelona airport (Ferran Echegaray) to substitute Antoni Pedrós, who was the News published in the press on this topicdirector since 1997.

Ferran Echegaray (new director for the Barcelona Airport Nota de premsa del nomenament de Ferran Echegaray -Press Release Ferran Echegaray interviewed (May 1st, 2006) - Interview (May 1st, 2006)

On April 2nd, 2006, the neighbors of Castelldefels demonstrate at Plaça Sant Jaume in Barcelona (right in front of the 'Generalitat' headquarters). News published in the press on this topic

On April 7th, 2006, the media informs about the decision of the 'Fiscal de Medi Ambient' (José Joaquín Pérez de Gregorio) to solicit the preventive closure of the third runway for landings over Gavà Mar in the east configuration. He clearly saw indications of ecological crimes basing them on the report carried out by the 'Mossos d'Esquadra' that was made public at the beginning of December 2005. News published in the press on this topic

El Fiscal demana restringir l'ús de la tercera pista del Prat -News 20060407 El Fiscal demana que Gavà Mar deixi de patir l'aterratge d'avions - News 20060408


On May 7th, 2006, the neighbors of Castelldefels demonstrate for the third time at the airport of El Prat. News published in the press on this topic

On May 10th, 2006, the AVV Gavà Mar lodges a formal complaint before the European Union against the noise pollution caused by the landing of planes on the third runway of the Barcelona airport in the EAST configuration. News published in the press on this topic

Titular: "El soroll del Prat arriba a la Unió Europea" (May 13th, 2006) Titular: "L'AVV de Gavà Mar presentarà una denúncia davant la UE per la contaminació acústica que generen els avions" (May 9th, 2006)


Manifiesto publicado por el Ayuntamiento de Castelldefels en los principales periódicos catalanes

On May 18th, 2006, the City Council of Castelldefels publishes the following manifesto in the main Catalan newspapers:

Manifiesto publicado por el Ayuntamiento de Castelldefels en los principales periódicos catalanes - City Council of Castelldefels' manifesto


In June of 2006, the 'Ministerio de Fomento' publishes an article about the state of the works of the Barcelona Plan in its monthly magazine:

- Magazine (June 2006)


On June 16th, 2006, the government confirms in a written answer to a question formulated by 'ICV' that the new daytime configurations of El Prat airport will go into effect on October 29th, 2006, while the nighttime ones will go into effect during the first trimester of 2007. In a recent meeting between AVV Gavà Mar and AENA they confirmed to us that daytime configurations will become effective a little bit earlier (on October 26th, 2006).

- Question (May 3rd, 2006) - Answer (June 16th, 2006)

On July 9th, 2006, the neighbors of Castelldefels demonstrate for the fourth time at the airport of El Prat complaining especially about the noise caused by night flights. News published in the press on this topic

Magdalena Álvarez On July 13th, 2006, the Minister of ‘Fomento’ (Magdalena Álvarez) visits the El Prat airport and reports the annual maximum figures of the airport: 55 million travelers instead of the 40 million that had always been measured (The justification stems from the increase in capacity that the old terminal has suffered). News published in the press on this topic
Manel Nadal On July 20th 2006, the Secretary of Mobility of the Generalitat (Manel Nadal) participates in a press conference with the Director of the Airport (Ferran Echegaray) to present the new flight that connects El Prat with Singapor and he affirms that a new satellite terminalwill be built which will allow El Prat to reach a new annual maximum figure of 70 million travelers News published in the press on this topic.

Manel Nadal’ statements (July 20th, 2006) - Manel Nadal’ statements (July 20th, 2006) (audio)

On July 25th, 2006, AENA announces to the public that Iberia is losing its ‘handling’ contract with the Barcelona airport News published in the press on this topic. On July 28th, the employees of this company caused an enormous breakdown of the El Prat airport  leaving their posts, occupying the runways and forcing the airport to close for 11 hours right in the middle of peak travel time to go on vacation News published in the press on this topic

Trabajadores de IBERIA ocupando las pistas del aeropuerto del Prat Colas tremendas en los mostradores de facturación

The following day is chaotic News published in the press on this topic as well as the day after News published in the press on this topic. All kinds of political reactions News published in the press on this topic and editorials appear in the media News published in the press on this topic


On July 30th, 2006, the City Council of Castelldefels organizes a gathering in the Plaça de les Palmeres to protest against the noise of the airplanes. News published in the press on this topic

On September 24th, 2006, AVV Gavà Mar finished a round of interviews, which were held during the summer. In chronological order, we talked to the following personalities :

- Secretary of Mobility of the Generalitat’s Territorial Politics Department (Manel Nadal)
- The new director of the Barcelona airport (Ferran Echegaray)
- AENA’s highest technical representative (Ángel Gallego)
- Leader of CiU (Artur Mas) News published in the press on this topic
- ICV deputy from the Spanish Government's Chamber of Deputies (Joan Herrera)
- ERC secretary general (Joan Puigcercós)
- PPC leader (Josep Piqué) News published in the press on this topic
- PSC first secretary and current President of the Generalitat (José Montilla) News published in the press on this topic

We presented our problems to them, as well as our proposal in favour of operating the airport with segregated runways beyond the opening of the new terminal of the Barcelona airport.


On October 26th, 2006, the new daytime flight configurations of El Prat airport came into effect . These are aimed at minimizing noise in all coastal areas of El Baix Llobregat while guaranteeing the operational capacity of the airport, as shown by the increase in operations from 58 to 61. News published in the press on this topic
Nuevas configuraciones del aeropuerto del Prat (26 de octubre de 2006)
Noticia publicada en el periódico El Bruguers (Publicado por el Ayuntamiento de Gavà) (6 de noviembre de 2006)- El Bruguers newspaper
(November 6th, 2006)
Reportaje publicado en la revista El Castell (publicada por el Ayuntamiento de Castelldefels) (4 de noviembre de 2006)- El Castell magazine(November 4th, 2006)
Noticia publicada en la revista del Ayuntamiento del Prat de Llobregat) (Diciembre de 2006) - El Prat City Council’s magazine (December 2006)
Información del COPAC (Colegio Oficial de Pilotos de la Aviación Comercial) Información de AENA y del COPAC Información del SEPLA - Sindicato Español de Pilotos de líneas aéreas

On October 27th, 2006 the mayors of Viladecans (Carles Ruiz), Gavà (Joaquim Balsera) and Castelldefels (Antoni Padilla), who represent 170,000 inhabitants, presented a joint statement in which they requested the new flight configuration be applied even when the new terminal of El Prat airport starts operating News published in the press on this topic Declaración conjunta de los alcaldes de Castelldefels, Gavà y ViladecansDeclaración conjunta de los alcaldes de Castelldefels, Gavà y Viladecans Los alcaldes de Viladecans, Gavà y Castelldefels

Imputación en la querella criminal contra los responsables de la puesta en servicio de la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat On November 15th, 2006, the names of those accused in the criminal complaint were made public. News published in the press on this topic The complaint was presented as a result of the third runway being put into service.The names are as follows:
  • Jaime Alejandre: General Director of Environmental Quality-Ministry of the Environment
  • Manuel Bautista: General Director of Civil Aviation of the ‘Ministerio de Fomento’
  • Manuel Azuaga: President of AENA

On February 3rd, 2007 , after two years' delay, the new control tower of El Prat airport began to operate News published in the press on this topic

On February 7th, 2007, the City Council of Gavà presented the OMSA (Municipal Office for the Control of the Airport). It is located in Gavà City Hall instead of in Gavà Mar, as they had originally promised to comply with our wishes.

On February 15th, 2007, the new nighttime configurations of El Prat airport began to operate. News published in the press on this topic This solved to a great extent the SECOND BIG PROBLEM of Gavà Mar. The overall acoustic pollution dramatically decreased from the first day. Nevertheless problems continue to exist with planes making an incorrect turn from the third runway and the frequent use of the East configuration, which spoil the implementation of the new nighttime configurations.

On March 22nd, 2007, the Catalan civil society held a meeting in IESE to support an intercontinental airport. AVV Gavà Mar also attended the meeting to obtain firsthand information.

On March 26th, 2007, the Barcelona airport increased its operational capacity from 61 to 62 operations per hour.

On May 3rd, 2007, the Mayors of Begues, Castelldefels, El Prat, Gavà, Sant Boi, Sitges and Viladecans presented a joint statement in which they called for a responsible airport that efficiently and steadily guarantees the rights of the people and the land. In their opinion, this could only happen if the airport operates with segregated runways. News published in the press on this topic. The Mayor of Gavà (Joaquim Balsera) is the man behind this joint statement.

Nota de prensa conjunta de los Ayuntamientos de Begues, Castelldefels, Gavà, El Prat, Sant Boi, Sitges y Viladecans (3 de mayo de 2007)

On May 10th, 2007 , the City Council of Castelldefels presented the OMSICA (Municipal Office for the Control and Monitoring of the Airport).

Two political parties (ERC and Ciutadans) include moving the OMSA to Gavà Mar in their election program for the local elections held in May 2007.

On June 14th, 2007, the Spanish Government's Chamber of Deputies passed a resolution after the non-legally binding propositions presented by ‘ERC’ and ‘CiU’. The resolution urged the Government to find permanent solutions aimed at achieving the highest operational capacity of the airport once the new South terminal begins to operate while ensuring the best environmental conditions along the lines of the existing ones.

On July 18th, 2007, the three people imputed with criminal charges testify by videoconference.

On July 24th, 2007, the CSAAB technical group held its 12th meeting, in which AENA accepted to continue operating with segregated runways until the year 2010. This decision will need to be officially approved by the CSAAB next September.

In november 2007, he capacity of El Prat airport increased from 62 to 64 operations per hour and part of the aircraft parking platform was put into service in the future South terminal. News published in the press on this topic

During the first months of 2008, the growth of El Prat airport dramatically stagnated due to the economic crisis and the arrival of the high speed train to Barcelona (AVE) News published in the press on this topic. It does not increase its capacity during the summer season and remains at 64 operations per hour.


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