22) When the third runway came into service, the protests from the neighbors of Gavā Mar made many poticians notice the problem and take several political steps in order to solve it

A) What was the political situation when the third runway came into service?

B) What political measures were taken in the Parliament, Congress and Senate?



Ayuntamiento de Gavà CITY COUNCIL OF GAVĀ
Government pact: PSC and ICV
Mayor: Dídac Pestaña (PSC)
Dídac Pestaña (Mayor of Gavà) (PSC)  
Ayuntamiento de Castelldefels CITY COUNCIL OF CASTELLDEFELS
Government pact: PSC, CiU and ICV
Mayor: Antoni Padilla (PSC)
Antoni Padilla (Mayor of Castelldefels) (PSC)  
Ayuntamiento del Prat de Llobregat CITY COUNCIL OF EL PRAT DE LLOBREGAT
Government pact: ICV and PSC
Mayor: Lluís Tejedor (ICV)
Lluís Tejedor (Mayor of El Prat) (ICV)  
Generalitat de Catalunya GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA (Autonomous Government)
Government pact: PSC, ERC and ICV
President: Pasqual Maragall(PSC)
Pasqual Maragall (Presidente de la Generalitat de Catalunya) (PSC)  
Departamento de Medio Ambiente de la Generalitat de Catalunya  Departamento de Medio Ambiente de la Generalitat de Catalunya MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA
Government pact: PSC, ERC and ICV
Minister: Salvador Milà (ICV)
Salvador Milà (Consejero de Medio Ambiente de la Generalitat de Catalunya) (ICV)  
Departamento de Política Territorial de la Generalitat de Catalunya MINISTRY OF TERRITORY POLITICS OF THE GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA
Government pact: PSC, ERC and ICV
Minister: Joaquim Nadal (PSC)
Joaquim Nadal (Consejero de Política Territorial de la Generalitat de Catalunya) (PSC)  
Government pact: PSOE in a minority
President: José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (PSOE)
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (Presidente del Gobierno Espaņol) (PSOE)  
Ministerio de Fomento MINISTRY OF 'FOMENTO' (transport and infrastructures) OF THE SPANISH GOVERNMENT
Government pact: PSOE in a minority
Minister: Magdalena Álvarez(PSOE)
Magdalena Álvarez (Ministra de Fomento del Gobierno Español) (PSOE)  
Government pact: PSOE in a minority
Minister: Cristina Narbona (PSOE)
Cristina Narbona (Ministra de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Español) (PSOE)  

In short, the socialist mayors of Gavā and Castelldefels counted on 'friendly' governments in the Generalitat de Catalunya as well as in the State Government in Madrid.

Therefore, it seemed the negotiations to solve the problems caused by the third runway should have been fairly simple. Let us recall that only some years before the Generalitat was ruled by CiU and the State Government by the PP... However reality turned out to be much more complicated...




Josep Llobet (PPC) On October 7th, 2004, Josep Llobet (Deputy from PPC in the Parliament of Catalonia and councilman in the City Council of Gavā) formulated a question before the Minister of the Environment of the Catalan Government to be orally answered about the measures taken by his Department in order to avoid the acoustic impact both Gavā Mar and Castelldefels had been suffering since the third runway came into service:
- Question from Josep Llobet (file 310-00241/07)
Salvador Milà (ICV)

On October 28th, 2004, Salvador Milà, Salvador Milā, Minister of the Environment of the Catalan Government (ICV), answered orally that they were also concerned about this matter and that they had passed all the complaints they had received to the State Ministry of the Environment. He assured that they would try to keep the use of the third runway to a minimum.

Respuesta del Consejero de Medio Ambiente (Salvador Milà) a la pregunta del PPC sobre las medidas tomadas por su Departamento para evitar el impacto acústico en el entorno del aeropuerto del Prat (28 Octubre 2004) - Answer from Salvador Milā (file 310-00241/07)



Josep Rull (CiU) On October 25th, 2004, Josep Rull (Deputy from CiU in the Parliament of Catalonia) sets forth the request from the socialist mayor of Gavā (Dídac Pestaņa) to stop landings on the third runway over Gavā Mar. He asked the Generalitat what their stance was.
Pregunta de Josep Rull (CiU) al Gobierno de la Generalitat sobre el posicionamiento del Gobierno de la Generalitat a la solicitud del alcalde de Gavà de paralizar el uso de la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat (25 Octubre 2004) - Question from Josep Rull (file 314-03129/07)
Salvador Milà (ICV)

On November 25th, 2004, Salvador Milà, Minister of the Environment of the Catalan Government (ICV) answered that it was the Spanish Ministry of the Environment who should verify that the 'DIA' was fulfilled, and not the Environment Department of the Generalitat. He explained that his Department already asked the Ministry of the Environment to make the due statements on the matter.

He added that a sonometer measurement campaign had been programmed to be carried out in 4 spots of Gavā Mar and that his Department agreed that AENA would study the proposals made by the residents associations of Gavā Mar and Castelldefels in the last 'CSAAB' meeting, as well as have the information from the sonometers installed by AENA at the disposal of the affected city councils.
Respuesta del Consejero de Medio Ambiente (Salvador Milà) (ICV) a la Pregunta de CiU sobre el posicionamiento del Gobierno de la Generalitat sobre la propuesta del alcalde de Gavà de paralizar el uso de la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat (25 Noviembre 2004) - Answer from Salvador Milā (file 314-03129/07)



Jordi Jané (CiU) On November 22nd, 2004, Jordi Jané (Deputy from CiU in the Spanish Chamber of Deputies) presented the problems posed by the third runway to Gavā Mar and Castelldefels. He asked whether the State Government agreed to lengthen the third runway by 500 m, as requested by the mayors of Gavā and Castelldefels News published in the press on this topic. He also asked about the steps the Government planned to take in order to minimize acoustic pollution
Pregunta del Diputado de CiU en el Congreso de los Diputados (Jordi Jané) al Gobierno Central sobre el posicionamiento de este gobierno respecto a la posibilidad de alargar la tercera pista realizada por los alcaldes de Gavà y Castelldefels (22 Noviembre 2004) - Question from Jordi Jané (file 184-016080)

On February 1st, 2005 the State Government replied that AENA did not consider the possibility of lengthening the third runway since it was located between two protected areas. In addition, the Government considered that AENA had all the permissions required to put the third runway into service and that it complied with everything the 'DIA' envisaged.

Respuesta del Gobierno central a la pregunta del Diputado Jordi Jané (CiU) sobre su posicionamiento sobre la posibilidad de alargar la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat propuesta por los alcaldes de Gavà y Castelldefels (1 de Febrero de 2005) - Answer from the State Government (file 184-016080)



Ramon Espadaler (CiU) On November 26th, 2004, Ramon Espadaler (Deputy from CiU in the Parliament of Catalonia) stated that the socialist mayors from Gavā (Dídac Pestaņa) and Castelldefels (Antoni Padilla) requested the third runway to be lengthened. News published in the press on this topic He asked for the opinion of the Environment Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya
Pregunta de Ramon Espadaler (CiU) al Departamento de Medio Ambiente sobre el posicionamiento de éste al respecto de la propuesta de los alcaldes de Gavà y Castelldefels de allrgar la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat (26 Noviembre 2004) - Question from Ramon Espadaler (file 314-03689/07)
Salvador Milà (ICV)

On December 22th, 2004, Salvador Milà, Minister of the Environment (ICV) of the first tripartite Catalan Government anwer in a similar way to the last one answering a question from CiU: it was the Ministry of the Environment of the Spanish Government who had authority over this issue but not his Department.

Respuesta del Departamento de Medio Ambiente a la pregunta de Ramon Espadaler (CiU) sobre el posicionamiento de éste al respecto de la propuesta de alargamiento de la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat realizada por los alcaldes de Gavà y Castelldefels (22 Diciembre 2004) - Answer from Salvador Milā (file 314-03689/07)



Josep Rull (CiU) On November 29th, 2004, Josep Rull (Deputy from CiU in the Parliament of Catalonia) formulated before the Catalan Ministry of Territory Politics the same question his colleague Ramon Espadaler had asked to the Catalan Ministry of the Environment about the possibility of lengthening the third runway.
Pregunta de Josep Rull (CiU) al Departamento de Política Territorial sobre el posicionamiento de éste al respecto de la propuesta de los alcaldes de Gavà y Castelldefels de alargar la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat (29 Noviembre 2004) - Question from Josep Rull (file 314-03742/07)
Joaquim Nadal (PSC)

El January 25th, 2005, Joaquim Nadal, Minister of Territory Politics (PSC) from the first tripartite Government of the Generalitat replied that the current location of the third runway overcame a difficult modification of the ZEPA zone in the European Commission.

Resposta del Conseller de Política Territorial (Joaquim Nadal) a la pregunta de Josep Rull (CiU) sobre el posicionament d'aquest Departament sobre la proposta dels alcaldes de Gavà i Castelldefels per allargar la tercera pista de l'aeroport del Prat (25 Gener 2006) - Answer from Joaquim Nadal (file 314-03742/07)



Joan Herrera (ICV) On December 10th, 2004, Joan Herrera (Deputy from ICV in the Spanish Chamber of Deputies) set forth the problems posed by the third runway. to Gavā Mar and Castelldefels. He asked whether the requirements stated in the 'DIA' had been fulfilled. He also asked about the steps the Government planned to take and their deadlines.

Pregunta del Diputado de ICV, Joan Herrera, al Gobierno estatal sobre si se han cumplido todos los requisitos de la DIA de la ampliación del aeropuerto del Prat (10 Diciembre 2004) - Question from Joan Herrera (file 184-016442)


On February 10th, 2005 the Spanish Government answered that AENA wished to comply with everything stated in the 'DIA', as well as with the agreements reached by the 'CSAAB' where aspects concerning the acoustic impact caused by aeronautical operations are discussed and the measures to minimize it are taken.

Respuesta del Gobierno estatal a la pregunta de ICV sobre si se ha cumplido la DIA de la ampliación del aeropuerto del Prat (10 Febrero 2005) - Answer from the State Government (file 184-016442)



Josep Rull (CiU) On March 14th, 2006, Josep Rull (Deputy from CiU in the Parliament of Catalonia) stated that that the Catalan Minister of Territory Politics had criticized the quality and efficiency of the third runway of El Prat airport several times. He asked on which arguments the Minister based his criticism.
Pregunta del Diputado de CiU en el Parlament de Catalunya, Josep Rull,al Gobierno de la Generalitat sobre los motivos de las críticas del Consejero de Política Territorial a la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat (14 Marzo 2006) - Question from Josep Rull (file 314-13456/07)
Joaquim Nadal (PSC)

On April 7th, 2006, Joaquim Nadal, Catalan Ministry of Territory Politics (PSC) answered by assuring that all the problems would be solved when the new south terminal comes into service.

Respuesta del Consejero de Política Territorial (Joaquim Nadal) a la pregunta de CiU sobre los motivos de sus críticas a la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat (7 Abril 2006) - Answer from Joaquim Nadal (file 314-13456/07)