20) With the third runway in use, the City Council of Gavā went through a serious crisis as the inhabitants of Gavā Mar felt deceived and asked the mayor for a solution.

A) What was the situation like in Gavā Mar when the third runway was put into service?

B) How was this respite achieved?

C) Why did it end?





The situation in Gavā Mar was critical, The first landings on the third runway of El Prat airport with the EAST configuration made all the telephones ring at the City Council of Gavā. Never before had the neighbors seen the planes so close to their homes or at a such a low altitude. Many people were frightened
Everybody recalled that edict and that special issue of the local newspaper (El Bruguers) that only 4 months before asserted that the expansion of El Prat airport would not cause any disturbances to Gavā Mar, so the people felt great anger

Ayuntamiento de Gavā: "El aeropuerto no provocará contaminación acústica en el barrio de Gavā Mar" - The City Council of Gavā informs (May 2004)

Revista municipal "El Brugués" (19 de mayo de 2004) - El Bruguers (May 19th, 2004)



Bruguers Jardí (Concejala de Medio Ambiente en el Ayuntamiento de Gavā) (PSC)

Therefore, the situation of the mayor (Dídac Pestaña) was extremely delicate since for months he had been denying each and every one of the predictions the AVV Gavā Mar technicians made about what would happen once the routes approved by CSAAB were implemented. The councilwoman Bruguers Jardí (PSC) from the City Council of Gavā voted for these routes, as can be read in the following fragment of the CSAAB's meeting act:

El Ayuntamiento de Gavā vota favorablemente a las rutas aéreas que supondrán un calvario para los vecinos de Gavā Mar (Reunión de la CSAAB del 6 de mayo de 2004)


Then the mayor faced up to the harsh reality; that is, all the predictions the AVV Gavā Mar's technicians had made were coming true, The situation was a disaster.

Thus, they quickly got down to work in order to try to solve that serious problem. The noise and danger were not momentary; they were here to stay hovering over the neighbors of Gavā Mar forever and ever


José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (President espanyol) (PSOE)

The political circumstances could not be more favorable for his negotiations since the Catalan Government was ruled by a tripartite (PSC, ERC and ICV-EUiA), led by Pasqual Maragall (member of his own party, PSC) and heading the Spanish Government was José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero (from PSOE, ruling the country without absolute majority).

Pasqual Maragall (President de Catalunya) (PSC)

Therefore, Dídac Pestaņa, who had been ruling the City Council of Gavā in absolute majority for almost 20 years, counted on two 'friendly' governments. Some sources assure Dídac Pestaņa took steps at all levels... including La Moncloa (seat of the Spanish president)... We hope that some day, maybe when he withdraws from political life, he will explain all the details




Dídac Pestaña (mayor of Gavā) (PSC) On October 6th, 2004, Dídac Pestaña (mayor of Gavā - (PSC) asked AENA to stop using the third runway of the Barcelona airport temporarily due to the serious noise problems it was causing until a new flight management plan was agreed upon. He urged the state body to use the former flight plan (crossed runways)
Nota de prensa del Ayuntamiento de Gavā solicitando a AENA que deje de utilizar temporalmente la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat (6 de octubre de 2004) - Press release (October 6th, 2004)
Noticia publicada en el diario EL PERIÓDICO (7 de octubre de 2004) Noticia publicada en el diario LA VANGUARDIA (8 de octubre de 2004)
Manuel Azuaga (Presidente de AENA)

On October 8th, 2004, Manuel Azuaga (President of AENA) committed himself before the mayor of Gavā and the deputy mayor at that time (Joaquim Balsera) to stop using the third runway of the El Prat airport while the negotiations were in progress. AENA also committed itself to implement a protocol between AENA and the City Council of Gavā aimed at informing regularly and in real time of the flight configuration the airport was using

Nota de prensa del Ayuntamiento de Gavā anunciando que AENA dejará de utilizar temporalmente la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat mientras duren las negociaciones (8 de octubre de 2004) - Press release (October 8th, 2004)
AENA's Aerial Navigation Manager (Gaspar de Vicente) ordered that, in the event of having to apply the EAST configuration, only the main runway (07L) should be used, instead of using the third runway (07R), between October 9th and 12th.
Comunicado interno de AENA en el que se ordena que entre el 9 de octubre y el 12 de octubre de 2004 no se aterrice por la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat en configuración este (8 de octubre de 2004) - Internal release (October 8th, 2004)
Noticia publicada en el diario AVUI el 10 de octubre de 2004





Dídac Pestaña (mayor of Gavā) (PSC) On October 21st, 2004, Dídac Pestaña (mayor of Gavā) (PSC) announced in a press conference that after 15 days of intense meetings with the highest managers of AENA, the 'CSAAB' held an emergency meeting during which AENA had only committed to carrying out a proposal of minimal use of the third runway in the EAST configuration by November 15th, 2004.
The City Council of Gavā considered that the third runway had come into operation failing to observe the 'DIA' (Environmental Impact Declaration) thus, the City Council legal department would take all the legal steps considered appropriate
He also announced the creation of a permanent office aimed at managing this conflictive situation that would be placed in the Civic Center of Gavā Mar. It would coordinate all the legal, technical and computer aspects.
NOTE: This office was created in December 2006 (2 years later) and had its headquarters in the City Hall of Gavā (at a distance of 5 km from the Civic Center of Gavā Mar)
Finally he released a political statement agreed upon by all the political parties which was to be presented in the next plenary session, and he expressed his will to involve the Catalan Government ('Generalitat') and the Spanish Government in the search for a solution.
Nota de prensa del Ayuntamiento de Gavā anunciando medidas administrativas y jurídicas contra la utilización de la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat (21 de octubre de 2004) - Press release (October 21st, 2004)



On October 28th, 2004, the City Council unanimously approved a political statement supporting the inhabitants of Gavā Mar in which they demanded that planes stop landing on the third runway; it also contained a series of proposals aimed at involving the 'Síndic de Greuges' (Ombudsman of Catalonia), the Parliament of Catalonia and the Spanish Congress of Deputies in the search for a solution:
Pleno del Ayuntamiento de Gavā
Declaración política aprobada por unanimidad en el Pleno del Ayuntamiento de Gavā en apoyo de los vecinos de Gavā Mar (28 de octubre de 2004) - UNANIMOUS Political Statement (October 28th, 2004)



Dídac Pestaña (mayor of Gavā) (PSC) On November 11th, 2006, the mayor of Gavā (Dídac Pestaña) (PSC) gave a press conference in which he kept asking that the third runway not be used in the East configuration. He was glad that the Minister of the Environment (Cristina Narbona - PSOE) had publicly admitted that the 'DIA' was not being fulfilled. He was also happy about the decision made by the Catalan Ministry of the Environment to install sound meters in Gavā Mar.
Nota de prensa del Ayuntamiento de Gavā solicitando a AENA que deje de utilizar temporalmente la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat (10 de noviembre de 2004) - Press release (November 10th, 2004)