NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2004)
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December 31st, 2004: Barcelona - Dakar Rally (Castelldefels)

During the preliminary stage of the Rally Barcelona-Dakar, a group of neighbors from Gavà Mar went to the beaches of the neighboring city of Castelldefels and took the opportunity to once again express our disagreement with AENA’s attitude.

Here you can watch a short video on our gathering in Castelldefels

- Video (December 31st, 2004)


December 4th, 2004: Protest gathering in Castelldefels against Dídac Pestaña (Mayor of Gavà) in Castelldefels News published in the press on this topic
Very complete information about this protest HERE (includes pictures)


November 18th, 2004: Sexta movilización en el PLENO MUNICIPAL de Gavà News published in the press on this topic

A meeting of the neighbors of Gavà Mar was organized at 6.45 pm right in front of the City Hall of Gavà but the Mayor (Dídac Pestaña) denied us access to the plenary session of our beloved democratic City Council.

In these videos you can watch how the police prevented us from getting into the Hall as well as hear the statements of Marcel·lí Reyes ('ERC')), who abandoned the session to express his disagreement with the way the City Council had treated us, and of Jaume Grau ('EUiA'), who gave his support for our claims.

We hope that next week we can obtain access to the plenary session and enjoy the support of ALL political parties.

Video que muestra como la Policía Local impide nuestro acceso al Pleno Municipal Video con el apoyo de Marcel·lí Reyes (ERC) Video con el apoyo de Jaume Grau (EUiA)
Noticia publicada en la publicación L'ERAMPRUNYÀ (Número 16 - Diciembre de 2004)


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