NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2004)
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October 30th, 2004: Demonstration at the AIRPORT (El Prat) News published in the press on this topic
Fotografía publicada en el diario LA VANGUARDIA (manifestación del sábado 30 de octubre de 2004)

Road access to the airport of El Prat de Llobregat has been at a complete standstill because more than three hundred vehicles coming from Gavà Mar and Castelldefels have carried out a protest driving at low speeds.

They marched past holding up posters and banners with the following slogans: "Stop the noise" or "No more planes, for our health and safety".

This protest was spontaneously organized by means of SMS messages, e-mails and conversations among neighbors.

All television channels and the written press covered the news: a complete success.


Video de la concentración en la avenida del mar Video de la manifestación en el aeropuerto
Video emitido en TV3 Video emitido en las televisiones locales


October 28th, 2004: Gathering at the CITY COUNCIL’S PLENARY SESSION News published in the press on this topic
Protesta en el pleno municipal de Gavà (28 de octubre de 2004)

Minutes before the plenary session of the City Council started, about 300 neighbors met at Plaça de Jaume Balmes, right in front of the City Hall, to protest against the situation we have suffered since the third runway started operating.

During the meeting, Fernando Peña (vice-president of the AVV Gavà Mar) reported that “400 planes fly over the neighborhood every day, which entails serious danger and causes unbearable noise”.


Some moments of tension were lived in the session, such as when a group of neighbors present in the hall shouted angrily at city councilors, causing the momentary suspension of the plenary session. These videos show some of these moments.

This meeting finally appeared in the local newspaper El BRUGUÉS, which silenced all previous gatherings.

Video de la concentración en el exterior del Ayuntamiento de Gavà Video de los vecinos de Gavà Mar accediendo al Ayuntamiento de Gavà Video del alcade Pestaña abandonando el pleno municipal
Protesta en el pleno municipal de Gavà (28 de octubre de 2004)- News Noticia publicada en el periódico L'ERAMPRUNYÀ sobre la protesta en el pleno municipal - News


October 1st, 2004: Meeting with Josep Andreu (deputy in the Spanish Congress) News published in the press on this topic
Josep Andreu (Diputado de ERC) AVV Gavà Mar held a meeting with the ‘ERC’ representative to Congress, Josep Andreu, together with the ‘ERC’ spokesmen of Gavà (Josep Campmany and Marcel·lí Reyes), to take the problems that the residents of Gavà Mar suffer and the solutions we propose to the State Government.


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