NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2004)
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September 19th, 2004:Demonstration in Gavà Mar (Festa de la Rosa del PSC) News published in the press on this topic

Last Sunday September 19th, AVV and hundreds of neighbors (between 300 and 400) protested against the noise the third runway will produce once it is operational. The demonstration took place at the municipal facilities where the ‘Festa de la Rosa’ (a gathering of the Socialist supporters) was being celebrated.

The objective was to present our claims to the president of the ‘Generalitat’. At the end our objective was accomplished and throughout the duration of the demonstration no incidents were produced. From AVV Gavà Mar we would like to thank all of those who were present.

Very complete information about this protest HERE (includes 12 pictures)


May 23rd, 2004:Demonstration in the streets of Gavà Mar
Manifestación en Gavà Mar (23 de mayo de 2004) Very complete information about this protest HERE (includes pictures)


April 29th, 2004: Mobilization at the plenary session of the City Council of Gavà News published in the press on this topic

Around 30 residents of Gavà Mar attended the plenary session of the City Council of Gavà wearing t-shirts with the words "Gavà Mar for a FRIENDLY AIRPORT". This is how we made our voices heard to the heart of Gavà.

Some political parties represented in the City Council of Gavà ('EUiA', 'ERC' and 'CiU') begin echoing the AVV Gavà Mar's proposal, while asking the City Council to do the same:

Apoyo de EUiA y ERC de Gavà a la propuesta de la AVV de Gavà Mar -Support for the AVV Gavà Mar's proposal (April 29th, 2004)

Solicitud de CiU al Ayuntamiento de Gavà solicitando que el Ayuntamiento asuma la propuesta de la AVV de Gavà Mar - Support for the AVV Gavà Mar's proposal (April 29th, 2004)

The proposal of AVV Gavà Mar was debated during the plenary session and about 20 residents of Gava Mar were caused deep indignation when the councilwoman of the Environment, Bruguers Jardí (PSC), who is also the representative of the City Councill of Gavà to the CSAAB (Supervisory Commission), defended the operation of the airport with INDEPENDENT RUNWAYS and affirmed that 65dB is the noise level that an electric toothbrush make, What a real shame!

Impresionantes declaraciones de Bruguers Jardí en el Pleno municipal de Gavà (29 abril 2004) - Plenary session of the City Council of Gavà (Bruguers Jardí) (April 29th, 2004)

This was our second mobilization and it won’t be our last. We will be at the next City Council plenary session. We will keep you informed of the date and time.




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