NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2005)
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October 2nd, 2005 – AVV Gavà Mar's information assembly

An information assembly is held at the new Hotel AC Gavà Mar; more than 450 neighbors and the cameras of Gavà TV attended the meeting.

Cartel convocando la asamblea informativa del 2 de octubre de 2005



September 30th, 2005 – Two camp sites on the coast of El Baix Llobregat close

Construction for the airport expansion –which already caused the closing of the camp sites 'Cala Gogó' and 'El Toro Bravo'– has claimed today two more historic victims: 'La Ballena Alegre' and 'Filipinas'

News published in the press on this topic (year 2004) News published in the press on this topic  News published in the press on this topic (year 2005)



July 28th, 2005 - AENA has accepted the AVV Gavà Mar’s proposal

Las configuraciones que se aprobarán en la CSAAB

- PRESS RELEASE (July 28th, 2005)

Acuerdo con AENA (Video emitido en las televisiones locales) (29 de Julio de 2005) - Agreement with AENA (Video) (July 29th, 2005)

Información del Ayuntamiento de Castelldefels sobre el acuerdo con AENA (Julio de 2005) - Información del Ayuntamiento de Castelldefels (July 2005)

Folleto informativo de la AVV de Gavà Mar - AVV Gavà Mar reports (July 2005)



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