NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2005)
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July 23rd, 2005 – Protest at Pasqual Maragall’s residence

A group of neighbors of Gavà Mar organized a protest right in front of the residence of the President of the ‘Generalitat de Catalunya’, Pasqual Maragall, to complain about his lack of support regarding the problems of Gavà Mar. These are the pictures they have sent us:

Photographs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Manifesto done by this group of neighbors



July 23rd, 2005: Dinner with Joan Tardà ('ERC') to show him our gratitude
Joan Tardà, 'ERC' deputy in the Spanish Congress and the greatest instigator of the unanimously approved motion in the Spanish Chamber of Deputies that forced AENA to study our proposal, visited Gavà. Some members of the AVV Gavà Mar Committee had dinner with him to show our gratitude:

Cena de agradecimiento a Joan Tardà (ERC) - Publicación L'ERAMPRUNYÀ (Número 24 - Agosto 2005)



July 20th, 2005: New ‘ERC’ motion in the Spanish Chamber of Deputies

Noticia publicada en la publicación L'ERAMPRUNYÀ (Número 26 - Octubre 2005)

- New motion airport noises - Summer 2005


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

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