NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2005)
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May 4h, 2005: Meeting with the ‘CiU’ deputy Josep Rull
Elisabet Martínez, Josep Rull y Xavier Alavedra

The member of the Parliament of Catalonia Josep Rull, together with the CiU councilman of Gavà City Council Xavier Alavedra, has visited AVV Gavà Mar. During the meeting Josep Rull has committed himself to pressure the Parliament of Catalonia in order to find solutions.

On May 27th, 2005, Josep Rull kept his word by presenting the following two excellent questions to the Parliament of Catalonia about two facts that really concern us: the irregular air operations and the stance of the ‘Departament de Medi Ambient’ (Department for the Environment of the Catalan Autonomous Government) in the ‘CSAAB’ (Supervisory Commission).

20050527 Parlament de Catalunya - expedient 314-07157-07 (Pregunta de CiU).pdf Question about an irregular air operation on May 3rd, 2005 and about the emergency measures in case of incidents 20050616 Parlament de Catalunya - expedient 314-07157-07 (Respuesta del Conseller de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques)

Answer of the Minister: Joaquim Nadal (June 16th, 2005)

20050527 Parlament de Catalunya - expedient 314-07158-07 (Pregunta de CiU) Question about the stance of the ‘Departament de Medi Ambient’ in the Supervisory Commission 20050620 Parlament de Catalunya - expedient 314-07158-07 (Respuesta del Conseller de Medi Ambient i Habitatge) Answer of the Minister for the Environment of the Catalan Government: Salvador Milà (June 20th, 2005)
Noticia publicada en la publicación PARLEM-NE (Número 2 - Junio 2005)


April 16th, 2005 (Saturday): Demonstration at the airport News published in the press on this topic

About 150 neighbors from Gavà Mar took part in a demonstration at the airport for the sixth time, during which we represented a picnic at the terminals. We keep demanding the routes in writing.

- AVV Gavà Mar’s press release (April 16th, 2005)

Photographs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


The following day the radio stations and all the written press reported news on this demonstration. For the first time, TV3 did not show any images of the demonstration in any of its news bulletins; however, it broadcasted images of other demonstrations that took part on the same day but with fewer participants. This is the letter of complaint we have sent them:

Carta de queja para TV3 (Abril de 2005) - Letter of complaint to ‘TV3’ (April 2005)


April 5th, 2005: Message received from the ‘Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya’  (an ombudsman nominated by the Parliament to defend the rights of citizens against government maladministration)

“With regards to your consultation by e-mail, we inform you that the ‘Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya’ has three open proceedings related to the disturbances generated by the third runway of the El Prat airport; one by request of the Gavà City Council and the other two by request of the neighbors. The ‘Síndic’ has asked the Administration for information and as soon as we have a resolution regarding this issue, we will make it public.”

Under the epigraph “Environment” of the reports made for the Parliament of Catalonia in the years 1999 and 2000 you will find the resolutions of the ‘Síndic’ for this subject during the time the third runway construction project was being drawn up. These reports can also be found on our web site.


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