NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2005)
| Year 2005 - News 25-27 of 28 | Last | Next | Previous | First | Weather forecast for Gavà Mar
February 12th, 2005 (Saturday): AVV Gavà Mar protests at the terminals of the Barcelona airport: News published in the press on this topic
HERE you will find complete information about this protest, together with a lot of pictures


February 9th, 2005:Resolution passed by the ‘Comisión de Fomento del Congreso de los Diputados’, on February 9th, 2005, based on the proposal from the parliamentary group of ‘ERC’: News published in the press on this topic

This is a crucial step. Thanks to the non-legislative motion, we can present and defend our technical proposal before AENA
Resolution passed unanimously by the Spanish Chamber of Deputies
Record of parliamentary proceedings of the Spanish Chamber of Deputies (February 9th, 2005)
Noticia publicada en la publicación L'ERAMPRUNYÀ (Número 19 - Marzo de 2005)
Noticia publicada en el diario EL PUNT el 10 de Febrero de 2005 - The Chamber of Deputies demands that the noise caused by the third runway is reduced within 3 months
Noticia publicada en el diario EL PERIÓDICO el 10 de Febrero de 2005 - News (February 10th, 2005)
Noticia publicada en el diario AVUI el 10 de Febrero de 2005- News: Route revision (February 10th, 2005)
- News: The Chamber of Deputies forces the regulation of the third runway (February 11th, 2005)


February 8th, 2005: Banners hung all over Gavà Mar

These are some of the banners hung all over Gavà Mar.

Click over the banner to enlarge:



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