NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2006)
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October 26th, 2006 - The new flight configuration in El Prat airport starts operating News published in the press on this topic
Avión dispuesto a aterrizar en la tercera pista del aeropuerto del Prat arrasando Gavà Mar Today the new runway configuration in the Barcelona airport comes into effect. We have been suffering very serious acoustic pollution for more than two years, which could have been avoided if the different Administrations and AENA would have listened to AVV Gavà Mar’s technicians and studied the proposals they have been presenting since 1997 –firstly for a better location of the third runway and, secondly, for much better operations once the current location of the runway was decided–:
Nuevas configuraciones del aeropuerto del Prat

From AVV Gavà Mar we would like to express our satisfaction after many years of working towards minimizing the noise and danger in the area of El Baix Llobregat, with firm belief in our demands.

The measure comes into effect after almost one year of construction on the runways in order to create two "by pass", which connect the current terminals to the third runway without crossing the main runway.

Conclusiones de los Mossos d'Esquadra This proposal has been implemented thanks to the contribution of AVV Gavà Mar’s technicians, who belong to the Technical Group of the 'CSSAB' (the monitoring commission), It has been achieved by constant and systematic complaints to the involved parties authorities and companies, by pressing charges in the City Court nº 4 of El Prat News published in the press on this topic. By countless encounters with different representatives of political parties at all levelss (local, Parliament, Senate and Congress), press releases, mobilizations, etc...The evidence provided by the three sonometer measurements carried out in the neighborhood News published in the press on this topic, the overwhelming report drawn up by the Mossos d’Esquadra by request of the District Attorney for the Environment –who asks for the third runway’s closure–, the statements of the Minister for the Environment giving us her support, the support of the ‘Defensor del Pueblo’ News published in the press on this topic and the list goes on– have also been crucial.

Despite our satisfaction with the new flight configuration that will minimize the acoustic impact on all of El Baix Llobregat, we want to stress that our fight is not finished and it will not end until AENA as well as the different Administrations commit themselves to using the current runways of El Prat airport segregately FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD OF TIME.

None of the City Councils of El Baix Llobregat approve the configuration for independent runways that AENA anticipates to start operating once the new terminal is finished. This would assume taking a step backward and condemning the residents of El Baix Llobregat to suffer noise and danger even worse than that which we have been suffering for the last two years due to the increase in air transportation.

We believe it to be absolutely intolerable that these new routes will initially be in force for only two years. We demand that the Administrations as well as AENA find a definite and permanent solution based on the new operations that begin today.

Noticia publicada en EL PAÍS el 10 de noviembre de 2004
The airport should be a good neighbor like it has been for more than 40 years. That is why it is necessary to find an equilibrium between its development and the quality of life of the thousands and thousands of people that live around it.
AVV Gavà Mar The airport should be a good neighbor
AVV Gavà Mar (1996-2006) Thanks !


October 6th, 2006 - Spectacular video of landings on the third runway over Gavà Mar
A neighbor from the area of Gavà Marítima sent us this video. This part of the neighborhood was built in the 60's, when nobody could have imagined that a runway would be built straight up to people’s houses almost 40 years later.
In this video (3,5 Mb) this neighbor reminds us of some of the documents and statements that we will never forget in Gavà Mar:
VIDEO realizado por un vecino de Gavà Mar sobre los aterrizajes por la tercera pistaVIDEO realizado por un vecino de Gavà Mar sobre los aterrizajes por la tercera pista - Video (Landings 3rd runway)


October 3rd, 2006 - Press release from Josep Rull, ‘CiU’ deputy in the Parliament of Catalonia
Josep Rull (Diputado de CiU en el Parlamento de Catalunya) Josep Rull, 'CiU'deputy in the Parliament of Catalonia, who has brought our complaints to the Parliament of Catalonia on several occasions in 2005 and also recently, has made public a press release celebrating the new air routes that will start operating soon in El Prat airport. However he has attributed this success to the NEIGHBORS and has stated that the routes could have been applied before.


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

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