NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2006)
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September 29th, 2006 - Questions formulated in the City Council’s plenary session of great interest for Gavà Mar
On September 28th, 2006, a new plenary session was held in the City Hall of Gavà.
'CiU' as well 'ERC', on their own initiative, presented some questions to the municipal Government on matters of great interest for the neighbors of Gavà Mar.

'ERC' asked about the recent judgment passed by the Supreme Court of Catalonia (TSJC) which declares that the sea front of Central Mar –that is, the Hotel AC Gavà Mar, the gym Accura, the restaurant in the civic center...– is illegal.

Noticia publicada en L'ERAMPRUNYÀ (Número 38 - octubre de 2006)
Pregunta de ERC en el pleno municipal de Gavà sobre la sentencia del TSJC que declara ilegal el frente marítimo de Central Mar  (28 de septiembre de 2006) - Question: ‘TSJC’ judgment declaring the sea front of Central Mar illegal
Respuesta del Ayuntamiento de Gavà (Vicente Navarro) - Vicente Navarro's answer
Noticia publicada en el periódico EL FAR: Dos sentencias cuestionan un cambio urbanístico en Gavà Mar recurrido por los vecinos - News: Two judgments bring into question an urban development change in Gavà Mar
Noticia publicada en el diario EL PUNT: El TSJC considera ilegal un restaurante anexo al Centro Cívico de Gavà Mar (30 de septiembre de 2006) - News: The ‘TSJC’ declares a restaurant joined to the civic center illegal
Noticia publicada en el semanario El Triangle (2 de octubre de 2006) - La justicia desautoriza los planes urbanísticos de Gavà

'CiU'asked why the City Council of Gavà has not called a meeting of the airport monitoring commission for 6 months. During such meetings all the political parties were informed about the steps taken on this important matter. The political groups of Gavà have been finding out about the news from the press for 6 months.

Noticia publicada en el número 9 de la publicación PARLEM-NE (CiU Gavà)
Pregunta de CiU en el pleno municipal del Ayuntamiento de Gavà (28 de septiembre de 2006) - ¿Por qué el Ayuntamiento de Gavà no convoca desde hace 6 meses la Comisión de Seguimiento del Aeropuerto para informar a todos los partidos políticos de Gavà? - Question: Why has the City Council not informed political parties about the airport for 6 months?
Respuesta del Ayuntamiento de Gavà (Manuel Maniega) - Manuel Maniega's answer

Finally, 'CiU' also asked about one of our biggest problems, the street posts, as a result of the FALSE article published by the newspaper LA VANGUARDIA, which was not denied by the City Council. ‘CiU’ asked the local Government to provide information about these new street posts installed in Gavà Mar and to specify when they were installed.


Pregunta de CiU en el pleno municipal del Ayuntamiento de Gavà (28 de septiembre de 2006) - ¿Cuáles son los nuevos pilones que ha puesto el Ayuntamiento de Gavà en Gavà Mar y cuándo los ha puesto? - Question: What street posts has the City Council recently installed and when were they installed?
Respuesta del Ayuntamiento de Gavà (José Obispo) - José Obispo's answer


September 28th, 2006 - Manipulation of information in EL BRUGUERS (local newspaper)
The MUNICIPAL newspaper (number 267) –which is paid by all of us– has published the following outrageous letter.

The letter is outrageous for these reasons:

1) The author identifies himself by only giving his first name. How many newspapers do you know publish letters of people who only provide their first name?

2) The text is OUTRAGEOUS for all of us (OUTSIDE THE CITY CENTER and FOREIGN VACATIONERS), it does not take into account that we pay taxes to Gavà and that most of them are spent in the city center and not in Gavà Mar. It seems that we do not have the right to be defended by our City Council on a problem that directly affects our health.

3)It seeks confrontations among the citizens of Gavà. It is DEPLORABLE that the municipal newspaper publishes such a letter. What is the aim?


If you felt offended by the letter, please send a POLITE MESSAGE to and identify yourself ONLY BY GIVING YOUR FIRST NAME, as AMADEO, and send a copy to, In the next edition of EL BRUGUERS we will see if they publish them and we will do the appropriate follow-up. THANK YOU.


September 24th, 2006 - Meeting with José Montilla –‘PSC’s (‘Partit Socialista de Catalunya’) First Secretary and presidential candidate for the Government of the ‘Generalitat’–
José Montilla (First Secretary and presidential candidate for the Government of the ‘Generalitat') This morning, the day of the ‘Festa de la Rosa’ celebration in the pinewood of Gavà Mar, we held a meeting in the Civic Center of Gavà Mar with the 'PSC'sFirst Secretary and presidential candidate for the Government of the ‘Generalitat’, José Montilla. We presented the AVV, we explained to him our problem, showed him the conclusions of the Mossos d'Esquadraand set out in detail our proposal for the airport to operate with segregated runways. News published in the press on this topic
He shared our vision of taking into consideration the people living near the airport before creation decisions that affect the airport –which is something that has not happened in the past.
We would like to thank the Mayor of Gavà, Joaquim Balserafor the steps taken in order to make this meeting possible, in which he was also present.
Noticia publicada en la web del PSC sobre la reunión de José Montilla (candidato del PSC a la presidencia de la Generalitat) y el alcalde de Gavà (Joaquim Balsera) con la Asociación de Vecinos de Gavà Mar (Septiembre de 2006)


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