NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2006)
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September 23rd, 2006 - Meeting with Josep Piqué –President of the ‘PPC’ (‘Partit Popular de Catalunya’) and presidential candidate for the Government of the ‘Generalitat’–
Josep Piqué –President of the ‘PPC’ (‘Partit Popular de Catalunya’) and presidential candidate for the Government of the ‘Generalitat’– Today we held a meeting with the President of the 'PPC', Josep Piqué, in the Hotel AC Gavà, thanks to the action taken by the PPC councilman of the Gavà City Council and deputy in the Parliament of Catalonia, Josep Llobet.
We explained to Josep Piqué what our problem qis and we set out in detail why we want the airport to operate with segregated runways. News published in the press on this topic
He said that we have his support.
Marc, Fernando, Víctor and Àlex (meeting with Josep Piqué (September 23rd, 2006) Reunión en el Hotel AC Gavà Mar con Josep Piqué (23 de septiembre de 2006) Josep Piqué in Gavà Mar (September 23rd, 2006)


September 21st, 2006 - Meeting with Joan Puigcercós and Joan Tardà (‘ERC’ deputies in the Spanish Chamber of Deputies)
Joan Puigcercós (Secretary General of Esquerra Republicana) Both deputies visited Gavà during the ‘ERC’ campaign “Esquerra t'escolta” (‘Esquerra listens to you’).
We did not miss the opportunity to meet both of them –Joan Tardà already knows us but Joan Puigcercós (Secretary General of Esquerra Republicana) did not–. We explained to him our problem, showed him some pictures, and told him about the report carried out by the Mossos d’Esquadra. If the Catalan Government of the ‘Generalitat’ ever manages the airport of El Prat, we asked him to bear in mind all the citizens living in the coastal area of El Baix Llobregat before taking any decisions and we also asked him to favor the use of segregated runways.
Finally, we took the opportunity to thank him personally for all the steps taken by ERC-Gavà


September 19th, 2006 - ‘ERC’ (‘Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya’) formulates a series of questions for the Chamber of Deputies about the differences between AENA’s environmental performance in the Barcelona airport and in the Madrid airport News published in the press on this topic

Joan Tardà, ERC'sspokesman and deputy of the Spanish Chamber of Deputies –he is the one who presented the motion which forced AENA to study our operation proposa land he is the one who we had dinner with to show our appreciation) has formulated a series of questions in the Spanish Chamber of Deputies to be answered in writing which are aimed at forcing AENA to explain why they have invested so much money to reduce the noise in the surroundings of the Barajas airport while no investment has been made around the El Prat airport.
Moreover, he has solicited the appearance of Manuel Azuaga (President of AENA) in the Chamber of Deputies.

(Audio) Joan Tardà’s speech in the Chamber of Deputies (September 19th, 2006) - (Audio) Joan Tardà’s speech in the Chamber of Deputies (September 19th, 2006)

Pregunta de Joan Tardà (ERC) en el Congreso de los Diputados (19 septiembre 2006): reducción de ruido nocturno en Barajas - Night noise reduction in Barajas

Pregunta de Joan Tardà (ERC) en el Congreso de los Diputados (19 septiembre 2006): Insonorización de viviendas - Soundproofing of houses

Pregunta de Joan Tardà (ERC) en el Congreso de los Diputados (19 septiembre 2006): ¿Cuánta demanda de insonorización ha recibido AENA del Prat y cuanta ha satisfecho? - Soundproofing requests ?

Pregunta de Joan Tardà (ERC) en el Congreso de los Diputados (19 septiembre 2006): Comparativa espectacular entre la invesión medioambiental en el aeropuerto de Barajas y del Prat. ¿Por qué?- Comparison of environmental investment BCN-MAD

Pregunta de Joan Tardà (ERC) en el Congreso de los Diputados (19 septiembre 2006): ¿Cuántas inversiones medioambientales hay previstas en el aeropuerto del Prat? - Environmental investment in BCN?

Pregunta de Joan Tardà (ERC) en el Congreso de los Diputados (19 septiembre 2006): Aclariment d'inversions mediambientals a l'aeroport de Madrid-Barajas - Explanation of investment in Barajas
Pregunta de Joan Tardà (ERC) en el Congreso de los Diputados (19 septiembre 2006): ¿Por qué la memoria medioambiental de AENA no habla del aeropuerto del Prat y sólo habla del de Madrid-Barajas? - AENA’s report does not mention El Prat  


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