NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2005)
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July 7th, 2005: The AVV Gavà Mar’s proposal for the WEST configuration is the best of all.

After doing its own studies, AENA admits that AVV Gavà Mar’s proposal in WEST configuration is the best one out of them all.

Imagen gráfica de la configuración OESTE propuesta

Studies-AENA-AVV-1.jpg Studies-AENA-AVV-2.jpg



May 14th, 2005 (Friday): A group of neighbors from Gavà Mar blockades the access to the airport News published in the press on this topic

A group of neighbors from Gavà Mar organized a little blockade in the airport by means of e-mails and phone calls. The reason for this protest is because planes keep flying over Gavà Mar despite AENA’s promises:

Noticia publicada en el diario AVUI sobre el colapso espontáneo


May 5th, 2005: AVV Gavà Mar’s press conference News published in the press on this topic

A press conference took place at the Barcelona Lawyers Association and almost all media groups were present.
The president of AVV Gavà Mar, the Association’s lawyer and one of its technicians spoke before the media.
In response to the manifesto drawn up by the ‘RACC’ Foundation, the Chamber of Commerce, ‘Foment del Treball’ and ‘Cercle d’Economia’, the press release was read and videos and photographs of the REAL impact of the third runway on our neighborhood were shown.

- Press -Release (May 5th, 2005)

Elisabet Martínez y David JuradoPrensa



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