NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2006)
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June 27th, 2006 - Questions from AVV Gavà Mar during the Gavà City Council's plenary session

Thanks to ERC and CiU we have been able to bring our complaints before the plenary session that was held today in the City Council of Gavà. First we complained about the conduct of the local police in Gavà Mar (i. e. their inaction against antisocial behavior) and we claimed a permanent police presence in the neighborhood. Secondly, we asked what the City Council of Gavà is going to do about the airport's failure to comply with the rules, being a flagrant case that which happened on Easter Monday. We will keep you informed about City Council's answers to these questions

- Local Police in Gavà Mar Video con la respuesta de José Obispo - Video: José Obispo's answer
- Airport irregular operations Video con la respuesta de Manuel Maniega (El Ayuntamiento está denunciando TODOS los incomplimentos del aeropuerto !!!!) - Video: Manuel Maniega's answer


June 7th, 2006 - The Parliament of Catalonia's Official Gazette includes today two questions formulated by 'Convergència i Unió' (a Catalan nationalist party) by request of AVV Gavà Mar

Josep Rull -a deputy of the Catalan Parliament and member of CiU, who already helped us in 2005- has presented the following three questions before the Parliament of Catalonia, by request of AVV Gavà Mar: the first one is about the Catalan Government's position on the report of the 'Mossos d'Esquadra' (the Catalan police force) and the request made by the Environment district attorney to close the third runway for landings in EAST configuration; the second question is about the repeated failure to comply with the routes (with the clear example of Easter Monday) and the hird question is about the runway crossing in the Airport of Barcelona.

Pregunta sobre el informe de los Mossos y el posicionamiento del Fiscal de Medio Ambiente- Question of CiU (File 314-14595/07) Pregunta sobre los incumplimientos en las rutas- Question of CiU (File 314-14596/07)
Pregunta sobre el cruce de pistas en los aterrizajes- Question of CiU (File 314-14597/07)


May 10th, 2006 - We bring our struggle to the European Union
AVV Gavà Mar has lodged a formal COMPLAINT before the European Union against the noise pollution caused by the landing of planes on the third runway of the Barcelona airport in the EAST configuration.
Titular: "El ruido del Prat llega a la U.E."- May 13th, 2006 Titular: "La AVV de Gavà Mar presentará una denuncia ante la UE por la contaminación acústica que generan los aviones" - May 9th, 2006


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