NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2006)
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May 1st, 2006 - Interview with the new director of the airport (Ferran Echegaray) for the newspaper AVUI
Entrevista a Ferran Echegaray (1 de mayo de 2006) These are the two most important sentences of the interview:

- When he talks about SEGREGATED or INDEPENDENT runways, he states "Our goal is to reconcile the airport's operating capacity with the people's well-being"

- When he refers to the fourth runway, he says "It's too soon to talk about a fourth runway"



April 17th, 2006 - The Barcelona airport breaks its operations record... but , at what cost?

After withstanding the constant takeoff of planes from the main runway in the direction of Gavà Mar and Castelldefels from 7 am until 11 pm, AENA kept using the main runway for takeoffs over our families for an hour and ten minutes after 11 pm (when the nighttime period begins).

At 12:10 am they started using crossed runways until they switched to the usual night configuration at 1:35 am!!!

Breaking the record of operations is very simple. The airport only has to operate as if nobody lived nearby, ignoring the agreed configurations, bothering and not letting the inhabitants of El Prat, Gavà Mar and Castelldefels sleep.

Easy explanation of how to break a record and reach 1,001 operations:
The daytime period (from 7 am to 11 pm) is made up of 16 hours and the declared capacity of the airport is of 58 operations per hour.
This gives us a limit of 928 operations during the day (16 hours * 58 op/h)

Legal option: to distribute the rest of the operations throughout the entire night by using the usual night configuration, the only one authorized yet with less declared capacity.

AENA's option: to extend as much as needed the daytime period in order to break their record... even if it means not letting us sleep as long as they wish and not giving a damn about the current flight configurations.



April 11th, 2006 – The mayor of Barcelona (Joan Clos) also wants a 4th runway
Declaraciones del alcalde de Barcelona, Joan Clos en el programa de radio "El món a RAC1" The mayor of Barcelona, Joan Clos, has stated during a radio program ('El món a RAC1') that many airports in the world have four runways and that this fourth runway could be placed over the sea. If you click on the icon you will hear the part of the interview in which they talk about the airport.


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