NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2006)
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March 22nd, 2006 – The struggle for segregated runways reaches the Spanish Chamber of Deputies

The motion promoted by 'Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya' (a nationalist pro-independence party) supporting the use of segregated runways in the airport of El Prat is already included in the Spanish Official Gazette of March 22nd, 2006. The motion will be discussed at the 'Comisión de Fomento y Vivienda'.

Segregated runways - 'ERC' motion in the Chamber of Deputies(March 22nd, 2006)



February 23rd, 2006 – Our struggle for segregated runways reaches the Parliament of Catalonia

We already have the explicit support of the City Council of Gavà for the use of segregated runways. Moreover, due to the steps taken, we know that both the City Councils of El Prat and Castelldefels follow the same line. Now it is time to bring our claim to the Parliament of Catalonia and afterwards to the Chamber of Deputies in Madrid.

Oriol Amorós at AVV de Gavà Mar's facilities

On January 13th, 2006, the AVV Gavà Mar's committee had a meeting with the leaders of 'ERC-Gavà' (Josep Campmany and Marcel·lí Reyes), and the Parliament of Catalonia's deputy and president of the 'ERC' Federation in Barcelona, Oriol Amorós.

In this meeting Oriol Amorós committed himself to present a motion in the Parliament of Catalonia in support of the Barcelona airport operating with segregated runways.

On February 23rd, 2006, Oriol Amorós keeps his word and presents the aforementioned motion before the Parliament of Catalonia, hoping to reach a consensus with the tripartite and the rest of the Catalan political parties:

Segregated runways - 'ERC' motion in the Parliament of Catalonia (February 23rd, 2006)

Segregated runways - 'ERC' press release (February 23rd, 2006)

We hope that the 'PP' ('Partit Popular') -which incomprehensibly abstained in the voting of the City Council of Gavà and whose member from Gavà, Josep Llobet, is a deputy of the Parliament- will vote in favor of the quality of life of its neighbors from Gavà Mar in the Parliament of Catalonia, won't he?



February 5th, 2006 – Meeting with people affected by the BARAJAS expansion

Meeting with people affected by the BARAJAS expansion

More detailed information about this meeting at the airport HERE



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