NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2006)
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January 26th, 2006 – The City Council of Gavà takes a stand in favor of segregated runways.

An excellent question formulated by 'ERC-Gavà' during the plenary session of the City Council of Gavà has forced the local government to declare itself clearly in favor of SEGREGATED runways, and to reject firmly independent runways. Despite this clear stance, it is important to observe all the interesting questions brought up that remain without an answer:

- Question brought up by ERC about the segregated runways in the Gavà plenary session

- Answer of the Gavà City Council in the plenary session

A political statement formulated by 'ICV-Gavà' was voted on in the same plenary session. The statement -agreed upon by a consensus of the rest of the political parties including their amendments- claims a definitive solution to our problem, based on the neighbors' proposal of segregated runways.

PSC, EUiA, CiU, ERC and ICV voted in favor of this political statement.
while the PP abstained!

- Political statement (January 26th, 2006)

Noticia publicada en la publicación L'ERAMPRUNYÀ (Number 30 - February 2006)



January 9th, 2006 – Emergency landing on the third runway

One of the wheels of the landing gear of a noisy SPANAIR MD83 coming from Bilbao burst when the aircraft landed on the third runway, right after flying over Gavà Mar at a low altitude. As a result, the plane was destabilized, forcing the pilot to brake suddenly, which caused a fire that affected the rest of the wheels.

This emergency landing forced the Barcelona airport to close the third runway and to operate using only the main runway for a few hours. Since 2 pm the airport has been operating with the crossed runways configuration, which traditionally has provided a quality of life for Gavà Mar. This proves that the aforementioned configuration could actually be used until the BY-PASS construction is over, a fact that would improve the quality of life of the Baix Llobregat coast inhabitants.

- AVV Gavà Mar's press release (January 9th, 2006)

- Video (1 Mb) - Video (2 Mb) - Video (4,5 Mb)


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