NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2006)
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September 14th, 2006 - WE DO NOT WANT SOUNDPROOFING in Gavà Mar

Today the newspaper EL PUNT News published in the press on this topic published that 12,000 dwellings have been soundproofed in the surroundings of the Madrid-Barajas airport, while no soundproofing has been carried out in the populated areas near El Prat airport.

Noticia publicada en el diario EL PUNT (14 de septiembre de 2006)

This news made the journalists from the Catalan television channel TV3 want to find out why. This video –which was broadcasted today in the TV3 news program– shows the answer given by AVV Gavà Mar’s president, Eli:

Video of the TV3 News Program (September 14th, 2006) - Video of the TV3 News Program (September 14th, 2006)



September 12th, 2006 - Information flyer about the danger of INDEPENDENT RUNWAYS

Santi, a neighbor from Castelldefels who takes part in our forum, has drawn up an INFORMATION FLYER about the danger of INDEPENDENT RUNWAYS.

This flyer has been drawn up with the assistance of some other neighbors from Castelldefels in the VILAWEB forum and will soon be delivered door-to-door to all the neighbors of Castelldefels.

The information it contains is 100% applicable to Castelldefels as well as to Gavà Mar and it wishes to reflect, from an independent point of view, the future ahead of us if the City Councils of El Prat, Gavà and Castelldefels do not work together in order to achieve the preservation of SEGREGATED RUNWAYS.




July 19th, 2006 - We already have the answers from the ‘Consellers del Govern de la Generalitat’ (Catalan Government ministers) to the three questions that the AVV Gavà Mar asked the political party ‘Convergència i Unió’ to formulate to the Government of the ‘Generalitat’

Being that the answers from the ‘Consellers’ of the ‘Generalitat’, Francesc Baltasar (Environment) and Joaquim Nadal (Public Works) are completely evasive and noncommittal, we can only stress that AENA admits its failure to comply with the rules and that the ‘Generalitat’ asked them for reports.

We will have to inquire again about this subject at a later date in order to find out what these reports explain and what the ‘Generalitat’ is going to do about it:

Pregunta sobre el informe de los Mossos y el posicionamiento del Fiscal de Medio Ambiente- Question (File 314-14595/07) Respuesta evasiva pasándole el problema al Ministerio de Medio Ambiente - Answer (Francesc Baltasar)
Pregunta sobre los incumplimientos en las rutas- Question (File 314-14596/07) Respuesta afirmando que AENA reconoce los incumplimientos y que esperan un informe por parte de AENA - Answer (Joaquim Nadal)
Pregunta sobre el cruce de pistas en los aterrizajes- Question (File 314-14597/07) Respuesta sin muchos detalles - Answer (Joaquim Nadal)


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