NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2006)
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April 8th, 2006 – The spokesman of the Catalan government, Joaquim NADAL, thinks that a fourth runway may solve the problems of the third one
Declaraciones del Conseller Nadal a COMRàdio Joaquim Nadal -minister of Public Works and spokesman of the government of Catalonia- has declared to COM Ràdio that it might be good to start thinking of a fourth runway in order to solve the problems of this third runway. If you click on the icon you will hear his statements


April 7th, 2006 – The Environment DISTRICT ATTORNEY solicits that planes STOP LANDING on the THIRD RUNWAY
Portada del diario AVUI (7 de abril de 2006), con doble click --> el artículo completo

As it can be observed today on the front page of the 'AVUI' newspaper, the Environment District Attorney, José Joaquín Pérez de Gregorio, basing his petition on the report carried out by the 'Mossos d'Esquadra' (the Catalan police force) last November

Resum de les conclusions dels Mossos d'Esquadra per a la Fiscalia de Medi Ambient Conclusions

has solicited the precautionary suspension of landings on the third runway to the High Court of Barcelona. This preventive measure would be applied before the trial for the libel suit we brought against the people responsible for the putting in service of the third runway of El Prat airport is held

Avión cometiendo delito ecológico al sobrevolar Gavà Mar el 7 de abril de 2006 en aterrizaje por la tercera pista

April 8th, 2006 - The press keeps echoing the news. For instance: El Periódico, AVUI and El Bruguers

Notícia publicada al Periódico de Catalunya (8 d'abril de 2006)
Notícia publicada al diari AVUI (8 d'abril de 2006)

Video of the TV3 News Program (April 7th, 2006) -Video of the TV3 News Program (April 7th, 2006)


March 29th, 2006 – The City Council of Gavà presents a technical report on the SEGREGATED runways
Estudio realitzado por el Ayuntamiento de Gavà (original en WWW.GAVACIUTAT.NET)

A report drawn up by AVV Gavà Mar and Gavà's City Council technician Víctor Barriales has been presented by the City Council of Gavà in a press conference. This document shows the resemblance between the Barcelona airport and the London-Heathrow airport, the latter being the European airport with more travelers per year. The English airport has two parallel runways that operate SEGREGATEDLY, as we all want the Barcelona airport to work in the future (and NEVER with INDEPENDENT runways). This allows the maximum operating capacity reducing the environmental impact.

Víctor Barriales, Joaquim Balsera and Manuel Maniega The mayor has expressed that he intends to have talks with AENA, the 'Ministerio de Fomento', the government of Catalonia and the City Council of Barcelona in the next couple of days in order to reach an important global agreement regarding the Barcelona airport operation.
News appeared in the newspapers:Noticia publicada en el diario 'El Periódico' Noticia publicada en el diario 'Avui'


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