NEWS about GAVÀ MAR (year 2005)
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November 14th, 2005 - The ‘CSAAB’ (the Supervisory Commission) approves the GLOBAL PROPOSAL

We are very glad about the approval of this global proposal –that has its origin here, at the Gavà Mar Residents’ Association–, which will minimize the airport’s impact on THE ENTIRE COAST OF EL BAIX LLOBREGAT.

We demand:

1) that the works to be carried out at the airport are done as quickly as possible in order to make up for lost time.

2) that while these works are being done, the airport uses the transverse runway again whenever it is possible, in order to make this situation more bearable for the neighbors.

This would be possible at least:
- Early in the morning on working days
- Late at night on working days
- The whole weekend

3) that this situation will not happen again in the future when the new terminal between runways is built. That is why we ask all members of the ‘CSAAB’ to work so that the airport NEVER OPERATES WITH INDEPENDENT RUNWAYS but rather with SEGREGATED RUNWAYS.

We remind :

That the Court of El Prat accepted our LIBEL SUITagainst the people responsible for the opening of the third runway as an environmental crime.

And we will go ahead with it.

We do not want a situation like the one we have been suffering for more than a year to EVER HAPPEN AGAIN, neither here nor in any other airport.

Noticia publicada en el AVUI el 15 de noviembre de 2005 - Los aviones evitarán volar sobre Gavà y Castelldefels
Noticia publicada en LA VANGUARDIA el 15 de noviembre de 2005 - AENA aprueba una configuración de vuelos que liberará de ruidos Gavà Mar
Noticia publicada en EL PAÍS el 15 de noviembre de 2005- AENA buscará medidas para reducir el ruido de los aviones sobre Castelldefels


October 27th, 2005 - The new AENA's TMA comes into effect

Cambio de configuraciones con el nuevo TMA diseñado por AENA

The AVV Gavà Mar has always opposed this TMA proposed by AENA since it suppresses the use of the transverse runway and, even though the turn "according to the pilot's taste" over Gavà Mar is removed, it still forces the planes to fly over the neighborhood causing an awful noise

We have always said that when the new TMA comes into effect, NOTHING would IMPROVE in Gavà Mar and, in addition, more people would be affected in the center of Castelldefels. Time has proved us right.

From Gavà Mar we would like to clarify the following points:

- We back the neighbors of Castelldefels. Their complaints are absolutely reasonable.

- There is only one responsible for this TMA coming into effect: AENA

- We have been warning for a long time that this would happen. (The same occurred when the third runway started operating).

- The planes that fly over Castelldefels HAVE FIRST FLOWN OVER GAVÀ MAR AT A LOWER ALTITUDE, so Gavà Mar is still the most affected area in the coast of El Baix Llobregat. And now we have to stand the noise and danger 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.

Reportaje emitido en el programa LA NIT AL DIA de TV3 a raíz de la puesta en marcha del nuevo TMA de AENA (octubre de 2005)- Video Report shooted in 'LA NIT AL DIA' (TV3)



October 6th, 2005 – Report on Ràdio 4

The radio program 'L'Agenda de Ràdio 4' (Radio Nacional de España) broadcast a 10-minute report about the evolution of the conflict between Gavà Mar and the airport, which include declarations from several neighbors :

- Report on Ràdio 4



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

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